Mental Health Support in Education Settings
Involving Voluntary Faith and Community Services Why Mental Health Support in Education settings Enshrined in Future in Mind (2015 and Green Paper (2017) Green paper seeks to boost school mental health support “Children and young people showing early signs of distress are always able to access the right help, in the right setting, when they need it”. Schools and colleges should be “at the heart of our efforts to intervene early and prevent problems escalating”, All 10 Local Transformation Partnerships have commissioned education facing provision largely from VCS providers
Underlying Values and Principles We value children, young people and parents as partners with an equal voice. We value empowering children and young people to understand their mental health as a critical contribution to their future health and well-being. We value, care for and support the workforce providing the services. We value working together across sectors, recognising that we all have responsibility for the mental health of children and young people and their families – no one sector, or part of society, can do this alone. We value and encourage leadership at all levels, especially system leadership. We value and support the development of positive attachment and bonding at all stages of a child or young person’s life. We value the power of relationships with children/young people and their families as a crucial factor is helping and supporting those who request help. We value the power of long-term relationships between agencies as a critical factor in promoting and supporting positive emotional wellbeing and mental health. We value and respect what young people have asked services to provide and we commit to delivering services that reflect the demands made of us.
Challenge In Excess of 1,300 GM settings Inequity of offer and pathways to specialist services all a little different – cross CCG/LA boundary challenges and for those aged 17+ Plethora of providers offering to work with education settings to develop mental health support within settings. No national commissioning framework that education settings can utilise when commissioning from providers – what does good look like – what is a good pitch Several suggested models NCB, CYP Mental Health Coalition, YoungMinds
Challenge Reduction in real funding for education settings Evidence base not conclusive often due to lack of control groups – practice based evidence emerging – all in room will have some based on services delivered. Reduced family support offer due to impact of austerity on LAs – high thresholds for children in Need and Specialist CYP Mental Health Services Increased need for CP interventions and CYP MH interventions – WORKFORCE
What is the best practice? TAMHS – more effective in primary settings Whole setting system approaches – involving pupils and parent/carers Settings having EHWB champions/leaders as per safeguarding, behaviour. Similar role for a governor Staff awareness training – understanding behaviour as communication – (challenging behaviour does not equate with mental ill health) Pupil voice Supportive settings policies to address bullying, positive behaviour, exclusions Named link workers in CAMHS and settings – provision of a consultation model
Greater Manchester Proposal Extend and enhance the current offer that have been commissioned by CCGs. Settings and Local Authority Link developments with the GM THRIVE training and development hub and team A single GM Quality Assurance Framework A single GM competency framework for those delivering MH support in settings - based on work undertaken in Yorkshire Based on work undertaken in Salford all settings involved to complete an Emotional Friendly Settings self –assessment framework Non-recurring funding approximately £1m to support development of mental health support to settings To develop a GM offer in readiness for additional funding that will be associated with the Green Paper form 2019
Proposal Support to settings to develop Whole settings approaches – Cluster approach – both by age related settings and by localities Awareness raising for pupils/students and staff- MH anti- stigma, Adverse Childhood Experiences and developing trauma sensitive settings Training for staff across a range of conditions – First Aid in Mental Health 1:1 and Group work for identified students Development of THRIVE informed care pathways Development of support/practice development network for EHWB Parent/carer support
Role of Voluntary Sector The funding will be used to expand capacity of voluntary/3rd Sector organisations Too many organisations to be considered as individual requests for funding and GM H&SC partnership will support the development of an alliance model to deliver the offer We will facilitate 2/3 development sessions – based around shared values and culture and developing an alliance approach Working with VCS we develop different commissioning models