Introduction………1 The immediate interest of the overwhelming majority of the South African people is the carrying out of the fundamental change ; which will overthrow the colonial state and establish a united democratic and non-racial country.
Introduction……….2 The main content of the revolution is the national liberation of the African people in particular and the black people in general. (Path to Power – 1989)
National emancipation is in a very real way found up with economic emancipation. We have suffered more than just national humiliation; our people are deprived of their due in the country’s wealth; their skills have been suppressed, poverty and starvation has been their life experience. The correction of these centuries old injustices lie at the very core of our national aspirations (Strategy and Tactics: ANC 1969)
What is leadership………? Leadership is a social influence procession in which the leader seeks the voluntary participation of sub-ordinates in a effort to reach organisational objectives (Kreitner and Kinicki 1995 OB)
Women involvement If we do not draw women into public activity, into the militia, into political life, if we do not tear women away from the deadning atmosphere of the household and kitchen; then it is impossible to win real freedom, it is impossible to build democracy, let alone socialism. (Lenin – 1917 / Third Letter from Afar)
The SA Working Class and The NDR The working class cannot play a key role by merely leading itself and sloganising about its historic mission. It must win popular acceptance on the ground as the most effective champion of the democratic aspirations of the racially oppressed groupings. It must work with and provide leadership to our youth, women, intellectuals, small traders, peasants, the rural poor and even the racially dominated black bourgeoisie all of whom are a neccessary part of our broad liberation struggle (Joe Slovo – 1988)
Trade Unions and the Working Class A trade union is the prime mass organisation of the working class. Its organised involvement in the struggle undoubtedly reinforces the dorminant role of workers as a class
Police Unions in Africa Police unions are employee organisations or associations that seek to protect the rights, interests and the welfare of their members.
How do they work………? Representation Public Protest Political Lobby Work-to-rule Sick en masse Cars for service in-one-day
Rights (I.L.O.) Freedom of Association Right to Organise Collective
Conclusion Trade Unionism has expanded and contracted with industrialisation. In Africa there is not much work that has been done. There are endeavours in Kenya, Swaziland, Lesotho and Mauritius. Africa is lagging behind though Police Unions were established about two centuries ago in other parts of the World