Caligula: One of the Unique Roman Emperor’s Ermina D, Isabella G, Analiese M, Jada R
Early Life Full Name: Gauis Caesar Germanics Also known as “little boot” Born On August 31st 12 A.D. Born to Germanicus Caesar and Agrippina. Was adopted by the emperor Tiberius, whom was his Great-Uncle and became heir to the throne. Great-Grandfather was Julius Caesar. Born as the third of six children. Lived with Grandmother, and committed incest with three of his sisters
Early Life Was Emperor from 37-41 AD Death Date: January 24th, 41 AD Born On August 31st 12 A.D.
Caligula the film In the movie based off of Caligula and in other films in relation to him, he is portrayed to be idiotic or as a joke. As you can see both of these pictures show Caligula with a smug expression and with an over exaggerated expression. Caligula clearly was not serious about his position and it backfired once people began to realize it themselves.
Family Tragedy Augustus, Caligula’s great grandfather falls ill dies on August 19th, 12 A.D. Tiberius comes into rule. Taken as the worst leader of all time. Caligula is appointed by Tiberius to Roman eastern provinces, dies. Agrippina blames Tiberius for her husband’s death, imprisoned on a remote island, starves to death. 2 oldest sons were also imprisoned, one starves to death. The other kills himself. Caligula was spared because of his young age, the year 31 was adopted by Tiberius. Caligula was the only survivor on the family
Gain of Power Caligula is treated like a prisoner under Tiberius. The Senate and the population chose Caligula as the next ruler after Tiberius death. Tiberius was taken as “brooding, unpopular leader” to the people of Rome. Tiberius falls ill and dies on March of 37 A.D., the people of Rome are in joy. The empire falls into Caligula’s hands to take care of.
Strengths Caligula had a good ancestry He was involved with the military as a child His father was loved, which meant the people readily accepted Caligula as a ruler
Family Tree This is Caligula’s mom, Agrippina. Along, Caligula’s brother died in prison. This is Tiberius, Caligula’s uncle, who Caligula later on killed to take the throne.
Weaknesses -Killed subjects, confidants, and family -Stopped invasions to "plunder the sea" -No real knowledge in politics, leadership, or government -God complex -Tortured senators -Megalomaniac -Created huge amounts of debt/ruined economy -Killed the wealthy and stole their money -Valued his horse more than his citizens This photo is from one of the Caligula movies with the caption, “insane emperor Caligula…”
Film Many remakes have been made to depict the life of Caligula. It also clearly states that it is the “most controversial movie of all time” due to the way he is described.
Odd Behaviors -Believed to have been incestuous with his sister’s -Cross-dressed -Forced families to watch loved ones executions -Drank pearls dissolved in vinegar -Built a house made of marble for his horse
Contributions -Public shows, games, displays -Let exiled citizens return -Maintained borders -Abolished taxes Rome under Caligula’s ruling.
Caligula’s Legend -Caligula was a deranged man who acted selfishly during his rule -His actions did not benefit his people He also became the first emperor to be assassinated.
“God” Another one of Caligula’s unnecessary and rational acts was when he paraded through town with the request to be called God.
Caligula Bad or Good? His power led himself to think of himself as a living God. Killed anyone who he thought to be better than him. Also eliminated armies, senatorial power, and citizens because of his thought that the Senate had more power than he did. Had two temples created for him because of his claim as a deity. Declaring himself as a God caused a war in Judea. Even having a wife and daughter did not change him.
Happy Ever After? Rome grew to hate Caligula as emperor. Citizens began a secret plan to get rid of him. Roman commanders, including Cassius Chaerea attacked Caligula at a sporting events, he was assassinated. Caligula was stabbed 30 times or more. His wife and daughter were also murdered.
… “I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” - Caligula