Ordnance Survey Maps: Symbols and Grid References Geography Introduction to map reading: Ordnance Survey Maps: Symbols and Grid References
What are symbols?
Where do we often see symbols?
Match the O.S. symbol to the correct description 1 2 coniferous forest bus station 7 camp site 1 3 4 deciduous forest 3 view point 5 picnic site 5 6 marsh 4 church with a tower Answers appear on mouse clicks. secondary road train station 8 7 8 main road 6 church with a spire 2
Name that O.S. symbol! Flash - drag and drop exercise
Identify all the symbols you can spot on this Ordnance Survey map. Hint - There are 11 different symbols to identify!
Did you spot them all? contour line minor road river buildings pond telephone public house main road chapel bridleway church with a tower
4-figure grid references 2nd 1st Flower = 01 62 What is the 4-figure grid reference of the hat?
6-figure grid references 2nd 2 The 6-figure grid reference of the church with a spire is 253 762. 3 1st
What is the 6-figure grid reference for the bus station? This is a flash animation. The red button can be moved to positions on the grid by using the direction keys – a visual ‘question’ stimulus
In what direction and over what distance will you be travelling? You live at 702 337 and need to see a friend at 681 319. In what direction and over what distance will you be travelling? How will you get there? What will you see on the way?
6-figure grid references What are the 6 figure grid references for the: picnic site? church with a tower? youth hostel? camping site?
What is the 6-figure grid reference of… The site of the battle. The bus station in Naperton. The church with a tower in Bingham. 705 342 692 332 680 321 Answers appear on mouse-clicks.