Planning in a Time of Transition 9/12/2018 Planning in a Time of Transition Winter CASE Conference February 2016
Introductions: Pair and Share Find someone that you do not know Introduce yourself, including your school/district and your title Share a current or recent transition that you are encountering at work Be ready to share questions that you have Introductions: Pair and Share Possible questions: Basic demographics: Who drove at least x miles this morning? Who has been in education at least x years? Title I/Schoolwide: Worked in a Title I school at least x years? Read ESSA law? UIP: Understand UIP process?
Introductions Lisa Medler, Executive Director of Improvement Planning at CDE Erin Loften, Professional Development Coordinator for Improvement Planning at CDE Lori Benton, Assessment Director at Lewis Palmer School District 38 Amie Cieminski, Director of Professional Development at Weld County School District 6 (Greeley) 4
District Background Location: Greeley and Evans 9/12/2018 District Background Greeley-Evans School District 6 Location: Greeley and Evans Demographics: 21,000 students (60% Hispanic, 34% White, 23% ELL, 62% FRL) Number of Schools: 25 Schools and 6 Charter Accountability Plan Types: District on Improvement, Schools range Performance to Turnaround Lewis Palmer School District Location: Monument Demographics: 6000 students (5% EL, 10% FRL, 18% minority) Number of Schools: 5 Elem, 1 MS, 1 K-8, 2 HS Accountability Plan Types: District Acc w Distinction, All schools at Performance Greeley Location: Greeley and Evans Demographics: Just over 21,000 students (60% Hispanic, 34% White, 23% English language learners, 62% FARM) Number of Schools: 25 district schools and 6 charter schools Accountability Plan Types: 2014 District on Improvement; Schools range from Performance to Turnaround (12 Performance, 8 Improvement, 9 Priority Improvement with 2 on Year 4, 1 Turnaround, 1 opened in 2015 and no plan type assigned) Lewis Palmer Location: Monument, CO (Off of I-25 between Castle Rock and Colorado Springs) Demographics: Suburban, 6,000 students, 5% EL, 10% FRL, 13% GT, 8% IEP, 18% Minority Number of Schools: 5 elem, 1 ms, 1 K-8 charter, 2 hs Accountability Plan Types: All schools are Performance, district is Accredited with Distinction
Agenda: Planning in Times of Transition Some Basic Models UIP in Transition Online UIP Demo
Starting with the Why WHY? How? What? Based on ideas shared by Simon Sinek’s “Start with the Why” on Ted Talks (2009). 8
Why The Why Behind Your UIP Gather and Organize Data Preparing to Plan Section IV: Target Setting Section IV: Action Planning Section III: Data Narrative Performance Summary and Context Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Major Improvement Strategies Why District examples Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Identify Interim Measures Identify Implementation Benchmarks Version 1.4
Bridges’ Transition Model 9/12/2018 Bridges’ Transition Model District examples Thinking about making copies of one of the appendices. Triads could jigsaw the 3 stages. From William Bridges’ “Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Changes” (2009) 10
Activity: Jigsaw Bridges’ Model Activity Instructions: Get in a triad. Decide who will read steps 2, 3 and 4. Read your assigned section. Use notecatcher, if helpful. Take turns describing the features of that phase. Teach your partners. Extra credit: Apply the model to a transition you are experiencing now. Activity: Jigsaw Bridges’ Model Lisa
Agenda: Planning in Times of Transition Some Basic Models UIP in Transition Online UIP Demo
UIP Flowmap Gather and Organize Data Performance Summary and Context Preparing to Plan Section IV: Target Setting Section IV: Action Planning Section III: Data Narrative Performance Summary and Context Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Major Improvement Strategies Aimee examples Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Identify Interim Measures Identify Implementation Benchmarks Version 1.4
Transition: Advice for Reviewing Current Performance In the absence of new SPF, how will your team: Identify plan type assignment? Gauge the magnitude performance challenge to select priority performance challenges and root causes at the appropriate level? Identify indicator(s) for which performance did not meet minimum state expectations? Compare current performance to the previous targets to determine the degree to which improvement strategies seem to be on track? Section III: Data Narrative Section IV: Target Setting Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Identify Implementatio n Benchmarks Gather and Organize Data Review Performance Summary Preparing to Plan Section IV: Action Planning
Transition: Advice for Updating Trend Statements Some things to keep in mind: Use your local data! Use consistent measures for single trend lines (e.g., CMAS v. TCAP) Its OK to keep “older” notable trends to keep an eye on them. The School Dashboard may be helpful. Its OK to combine multiple statements for additional context (e.g., TCAP reading was flat in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Our local measures show a similar pattern, except a notable upward direction in 2014…) Don’t be shy about explaining the state assessment transition dilemma. Section III: Data Narrative Section IV: Target Setting Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Identify Implementatio n Benchmarks Gather and Organize Data Review Performance Summary Preparing to Plan Section IV: Action Planning What local measures do you have access to now?
Transition: Advice for Prioritizing Performance Challenges (PPCs) and Root Causes (RCs) Section III: Data Narrative Section IV: Target Setting Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Identify Implementatio n Benchmarks Gather and Organize Data Review Performance Summary Preparing to Plan Section IV: Action Planning Choices: Stick with the 2014 PPCs and RCs ? Refine? Select new ones? Refer to the PPCs and RCs from 2014 UIP. Did the school/district have an impact? Are the issues resolved? Consider current trends in current data. Do trends support the same or new PPCs/RCs?
Transition: Advice on Setting 2015-2016 and 2016-17 Targets Local Assessments Continuously Available State Data ACCESS Growth PWR Measures (Dropout, Graduation Rate, Disaggregated Graduation Rate, Composite ACT) READ Targets (elementary) Increase number of student achieving grade level expectations Reduce number of student with significant reading deficiencies Others Achievement Percentile Rank Report To be released very soon! Provide time to discuss
Agenda: Planning in Times of Transition Some Basic Models UIP in Transition Online UIP Demo
Questions to Consider How did you approach the online system? How did you “sell” staff on the change? How did you train staff? How did you follow up? How supportive was leadership? What worked well? What were some lessons learned? What suggestions do you have for CDE? 21
Activity: Reflection and Networking Take some time with the reflection sheet Connect with a partner to walk through your next steps – take turns Activity: Reflection and Networking Lisa