Chapter 4 Imperialism & Progressivism Section 1 –The Imperialist Vision As Europe was expanding to new markets overseas, the United States began to compete and expand overseas for new markets and power Section 2 – The Spanish American War Naval ship USS Maine exploded in Cuba, the United States went to war with Cuba and gained new territories. Section 3 – New American Diplomacy The United States increases its power and influence on the world stage.
The Imperialist Vision Chapter 4 Section 1
- The Big Idea - As westward expansion began to slow, many Americans began to look overseas for new business opportunities. In addition, this was also a chance to spread American culture to the “Less Civilized”. At this time, America began trade with Japan and South America with hopes of increasing sales to that area. As the U.S. increased its influence over seas, there was a need for a strong and Modern Navy. By the late 1890’s, the U.S. became one of the top naval powers in the world
Desire for New Markets While the U.S. was rebuilding (after the Civil War), Europe was expanding overseas High Tariffs reduced trade – Looking for other countries to sell gods / increase trade Expansion = Imperialism - economic and political domination of a strong nation over a weaker nation
Protecting Investments Need to protect Investments European countries began exerting control over the weaker country Areas became colonies or Protectorates Protectorate = Local ruler stayed in control, and protected them against invasion & rebellions
Feeling of Superiority Many Americans encouraged expansion Idea of Social Darwinism Only strongest nations survive argued that nations compete economically, militarily, & politically U.S. used this idea to justify expansion overseas
John Fiske Took Social Darwinism idea farther English speaking nations are better, superior ideas, character, systems of govt & destine to dominate the planet Became known as Anglo Saxonism
Anglo Saxonism Popular belief w/ Britain and Americans Seen as a part of “Manifest Destiny” Believed after reaching Pacific, needed to expand overseas and spread our civilization to other cultures
Expansion in the Pacific Many believed U.S. would benefit from trade with Japan open door policy – open trade with other countries Matthew C. Perry – naval expedition to Japan Arrived in Yedo Bay (Tokyo) Japan Saw steam ships for the first time! (technology/Firepower) Japan had to look internally (make changes to compete) Signed trade treaty – Japan began to westernize
Annexing Hawaii Trade w/ China & Japan Grew Needed a place to stop for supplies and rest U.S. realized how good the soil was for growing sugar cane in Hawaii
Sugar Crisis In 1872 economic crisis struck Hawaii sugar 1875 - U.S. ratified trade agreement * Sugar =no tariffs, U.S. insisted use of Pearl Harbor as naval base Hawaiian King accepted agreement Sugar industry boomed
McKinley Tariff Tension between planters and Hawaiians grew U.S Govt started to Subsidized sugar producers in U.S. Hawaiian sugar was more expensive! Hawaii’s economy fell
1891 - Queen Liliuokalani Did not like western influence Tried to impose new constitution – assert her power (failed) Planters wanted to over throw her (eventually she was with help of the marines) Planters wanted U.S. to annex Hawaii 5 yrs later Hawaii was annexed
Reading P. 298 Relations With Latin America Answer “Reading Check Question” at bottom of page P. 299 Building a Modern Navy Answer “Reading Check” at bottom of page PLEASE write out Question!!!!!
Relations with Latin America U.S. selling raw materials to Latin America – but L.A. buying goods from Europe Wanted for U.S. & LA to work together for trade and support peace Pan-Americanism = U.S. and Latin America work together, eliminate need for Europe