SA WG6 status report to TSG SA#77 Yannick Lair SA6 Chairman, LG Electronics Bernt Mattsson SA6 Secretary, MCC
General information
SA6 Officials Chairman: Vice Chairmen: Secretary: Mr. Yannick Lair LG Electronics Inc. / TTA1 Vice Chairmen: Mr. David Chater-Lea Motorola Solutions UK Ltd / ETSI2 Mr. Suresh Chitturi Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd / TTA2 Secretary: Bernt Mattsson (MCC) 1 Elected in February 2016 2 Elected for a second term in February 2017
SA6 meetings and conference calls since last TSG meeting SA6#18 17-21 July 2017 Malmö, Sweden - hosted by European Friends of 3GPP. 42 participants. First SA6 meeting with parallel sessions. Thanks to Suresh Chitturi for chairing the breakout session. Statistics at SA6#18: 141 Tdocs initially submitted, 327 at end of meeting, 2 late documents not treated. 85 CRs (including revisions), 25 agreed (7 for Rel-14, 18 for Rel-15). 60 approved pCRs. 12 incoming LSs, 4 outgoing LSs. No new WID, 1 revised SID. Time allocation: Rel-14 corrections: 10%; Rel-15 work items: 35%; Studies: 55%. 6 informal conference calls held in preparation of SA6#18, on FS_FRMCS, FS_CAPIF, MCCI and MCSMI. Thanks to Martin Öttl, Dave Chater-Lea and Suresh Chitturi for organizing these calls.
SA6 meetings and conference calls since last TSG meeting SA6 ad hoc on CAPIF and FRMCS 4-7 September 2017 Sophia Antipolis, France - hosted by ETSI. 21 participants. Chaired by David Chater-Lea and Yannick Lair. Thanks to Dave Chater-Lea for co-chairing. Statistics at SA6 ad hoc on CAPIF and FRMCS : 95 Tdocs initially submitted, 215 at end of meeting. 61 approved pCRs. 1 incoming LSs, 1 outgoing LSs. 2 new WIDs. 4 informal conference calls held in preparation of SA6 ad hoc, on FS_FRMCS and FS_CAPIF. Thanks to Martin Öttl and Suresh Chitturi for organizing these calls.
Numbers of input Tdocs in SA6 Rel-13 Rel-14 Rel-15
Numbers of approved pCRs and agreed CRs in SA6 Rel-13 Rel-14 Rel-15 CR regime started in SA6 after approval of TS 23.179 for Rel-13 in December 2015 CR regime started on Rel-14 TSs after their approval in December 2016
Future SA6 meetings - 2017 Meeting Date Location Comments SA6#19 9 - 13 Oct 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia SA6#20 27 Nov - 1 Dec 2017 Reno, US
Future SA6 meetings – 2018 Meeting Date Location Comments SA6#21 22 - 26 Jan 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden Co-located with CT WGs, SA2, SA3 SA6#22 5 - 9 Mar 2018 Sophia Antipolis, France SA6#23 16 - 20 Apr 2018 US SA6#24 21 - 25 May 2018 Japan Co-located with CT WGs SA6#25 23 - 27 Jul 2018 P.R. China SA6#26 15 - 19 Oct 2018 EU SA6#27 26 - 30 Nov 2018
Work summary - Rel-13
Rel-13 corrections for MCPTT No activity over the period.
Work summary - Rel-14
Work summary - Rel-14 MCImp-MC_ARCH - Common functional architecture to support mission critical services 1 CR (+ mirror Rel-15 CR) agreed (SP-170679) for group configuration data for MC services. MCImp-MCVideo - Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Video 2 CRs (+ mirror Rel-15 CRs) were agreed (SP-170680) in the area of MCVideo capabilities information retrieval, transmission control and use of MBMS transmission. MCImp-MCData - Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Data 2 CRs (+ mirror Rel-15 CRs) were agreed (SP-170681) in the area of file distribution procedures and configuration for transmission control. MCImp-eMCPTT - Enhancements for Mission Critical Push To Talk 2 CRs (+ mirror Rel-15 CRs) were agreed (SP-170678) in the area of use of MBMS transmission and configuration.
Work summary - Rel-15 work items
Work item approved at SA#75 (SP-170248). Progress since last SA: enhMCPTT - Enhancements for functional architecture and information flows for MCPTT Work item approved at SA#75 (SP-170248). Progress since last SA: Discussion on priority handling between multiple MC service servers, for all MC services (MCPTT, MCVideo and MCData). No CR agreed. Work item is 45% complete.
Progress since last SA: eMCData - Enhancements to Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Data Work item initially approved at SA#75 (latest version of WID in SP-170462). Progress since last SA: 1 CR agreed on Introduction of SDS application type identifiers (SP-170682). Work item is 15% complete.
Work item approved at SA#75 (SP-170075). Progress since last SA: MBMS_MCservices - MBMS usage for mission critical communication services Work item approved at SA#75 (SP-170075). Progress since last SA: Discussion held on multi-server MBMS coordination, MBMS delivery mechanism coordination and MBMS event notification. The following solutions from previous study have not been agreed or completed in normative phase: multi-server MBMS coordination, MBMS delivery mechanism coordination, media delivery for MC service clients in MBMS MC receive-only mode. Work item is 70% complete. New expected completion date is December 2017, a revised WID is provided for approval in SP-170686.
Work item approved at SA#76 (SP-170401). Progress since last SA: eMCVideo - Enhancements to Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Video Work item approved at SA#76 (SP-170401). Progress since last SA: Agreed new procedures and information flows for MCVideo client query and for MCVideo emergency private call. Agreed changes to procedure for Retrieve MCVideo capabilities information at the MCVideo client. Agreed changes for group regrouping procedure for a subset of the common MC service(s). All agreed CRs are available for approval in SP-170683. Work item is 60% complete.
MCSMI - Migration and Interconnection between Mission Critical Systems Work item approved at SA#76 (SP-170577). Progress since last SA: Agreed functional model and reference points for migration and interconnection. Agreed procedure for user profile retrieval for migration. Agreed procedures for group configuration for interconnection. Agreed group regroup rules. All agreed CRs are available for approval in SP-170684. Work item is 20% complete.
MCCI - Mission Critical Communication Interworking between LTE and non-LTE Systems Work item approved at SA#76 (SP-170578). Progress since last SA: Approved scope, introduction and overall structure for draft TS 23.283. TS title is now “Mission Critical Communication Interworking with Land Mobile Radio Systems”, to be generic enough and not restricted to LTE (see LS in SP-170630). Added architectural requirements for key management. Progressed identity mapping. Progressed functional model, incl. via CRs on approved TSs (see SP-170685). Added procedures and information flows for affiliation, interworking group creation, private call interworking, group call over interworking group. Added procedures for emergency alert and emergency call interworking, and for floor override without using floor revoked. Some discussion on the need for a separate TS Vs integration of normative text into approved TS 23.280 / TS 23.379 / TS 23.282. Work item and draft TS 23.283 are 40% complete.
TEI15 No activity over the period.
Work summary – Study items
Progress since last SA: FS_MCCI - Study on Mission Critical Communication Interworking between LTE and non-LTE Systems Study item initially approved at SA#72 (latest version of SID in SP-160881). Progress since last SA: It was decided that remaining work on key management would be progressed as part of normative work. Study item is now 100% complete.
FS_FRMCS_ARCH - Study on Application Architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (stage 2) Study item approved at SA#75 (SP-160269). Progress since last SA: Study re-scoped as per stage 1 status for Rel-15, i.e. to limit to multi-talker control and functional alias(es) features. Further progressed gap analysis. The work previously done on other features which are not part of Rel-15 was moved to an annex for future work beyond Rel-15. Worked on the mapping between stage 1 requirements and available solutions. Introduced 5 solutions for multi-talker control and 5 solutions for functional alias(es). Progressed solutions evaluation. Derived conclusion for multi-talker control. Study item and TR 23.790 are now 75% complete. TR 23.790 v1.0.0 is presented for information in SP-170754. Next steps: The architecture options for supporting functional alias need to be evaluated and a way forward needs to be agreed.
FS_CAPIF - Study on Common API Framework for 3GPP Northbound APIs Study item initially approved at SA#75 (latest version of SID in SP-160405). Progress since last SA: Introduced key issue for CAPIF support for service APIs from multiple providers. Agreed requirements related to security, logging, charging, service APIs from the 3rd party API providers and reference points. Further worked on the high level functional architecture for CAPIF and on deployment options (e.g. to allow service APIs from 3rd party API providers). Introduced solutions for publish, onboarding, authentication, authorization, secure communication, logging, auditing, charging, monitoring, access control. Further progressed analysis of OMA API and ETSI MEC API framework. Clarified CAPIF relationship with 3GPP functionalities. Completed evaluation for all solutions and derived conclusions for the study. Study item and TR 23.722 are now 100% complete. TR 23.722 v1.0.0 is presented for approval in SP-170755. The identification of common northbound API development guidelines have not been addressed during the study, and will be progressed during the normative phase.
FS_MBMSAPI_MC - Study on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services Study item approved at SA#76 (SP-170598). Progress since last SA: Approved scope and skeleton for draft TR 23.792. Several key issue descriptions were added, for announcement handling, ROHC and FEC handling, feedback on MBMS reception, API for file distribution over MBMS and registration. 1 functional requirement was derived for registration. Study item and TR 23.792 are 10% complete. Next steps: Progress key issues and gaps analysis. Progress requirements and client reference model.
For TSG SA information and action
For TSG SA information and action TR 23.790 v1.0.0 (Study on Application Architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System; Stage 2) is presented for information in SP-170754.
For TSG SA information and action Actions CRs for approval Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.379 for MCImp-eMCPTT in SP-170678. Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.280 for MCImp-MC_ARCH in SP-170679. Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.281 for MCImp-MCVideo in SP-170680. Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.282 for MCImp-MCData in SP-170681. Rel-15 CR to TS 23.282 for eMCData in SP-170682. Rel-15 CRs to TS 23.280, TS 23.281 for eMCVideo in SP-170683. Rel-15 CRs to TS 23.280 for MCSMI in SP-170684. Rel-15 CRs to TS 23.282, TS 23.379 for MCCI in SP-170685. TR 23.722 v1.0.0 (Study on Common API Framework for 3GPP Northbound APIs) is presented for approval in SP-170755.
For TSG SA information and action Actions 2 new work items for approval: New WID on Application Architecture for the Mobile Communication System for Railways (stage 2) (SP-170756), follow-up of FS_FRMCS_ARCH. Expected completion date: SA#78, December 2017. New WID on Common API Framework for 3GPP Northbound APIs (SP-170757), follow-up of FS_CAPIF. 1 revised work item for approval: Revised WID on MBMS usage for mission critical communication services (SP-170686), completion date moved to SA#78 / December 2017.
Thank You !