DISCRETIONARY GRANTS UPDATE 04 – 13 OCTOBER 2017 Grants Manager : Ashvir Isseri
GRANTS UPDATE 6.1. MG Feedback & Stats CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability GRANTS UPDATE 6.1. MG Feedback & Stats 6.2 DG 2017-2018-Cycle-1 Feedback 6.3 Out of Scope Evidence 6.4 New Learner Schedule 6.5 Review of Change Request and Sweeps Processes
CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.1. MG Feedback & Stats
6.1. MG Feedback & Stats cont. CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.1. MG Feedback & Stats cont.
6.2. DG2017-2018 Cycle 1 Allocation per Learning Programme CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.2. DG2017-2018 Cycle 1 Allocation per Learning Programme
6.2. DG2017-2018 Cycle 1 Allocation per Region CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.2. DG2017-2018 Cycle 1 Allocation per Region
6.3. Out of Scope DG Evidence CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.3. Out of Scope DG Evidence CHIETA Financial Year 01 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 Out of scope evidence is any enrolment or certification that has taken place between 01 April 2016 - 31 March 2017 In scope evidence means any enrolment or certification that has taken place within the current CHIETA financial year This means that we will accept enrolments and/or certificates that is dated between 01 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 CHIETA reports every quarter to DHET on the number of enrolments and certifications that has taken place against DG funding Any evidence that falls within the previous FY cannot be reported to DHET and will become non payable How to avoid Non-Payment and submission of Out of Scope evidence Ensure that the Regional skills advisor is contacted as soon as training is completed to ensure capturing and processing of DG payments Request pro-rata capturing and processing of DG payments Contact an advisor for assistance and advise if you are unsure on when to submit evidence Do not wait for the expiry of the MoA or the last day of the Financial year to submit An example of this would be the DG2016-2017-Cycle-1 MoAs that will expire in FY2017-2018-Q4 - Enrolments would have been captured in the FY2016-2017 towards CHIETA Enrolment targets last year and Certification will coincide with FY2017-2018-Q4 . Similarly DG2017-2018-Cycle-1 MoAs that will expire in FY2018-2019-Q4 Enrolments will be captured in the third(Q3) and last(Q4) of the current FY2017-2018 towards CHIETA Enrolment targets and Certification will coincide with FY2018-2019-Q4 .
6.4. DG2017-2018 Learner Schedule Changes CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.4. DG2017-2018 Learner Schedule Changes 1. Available for Download on the DG System 2. Greater usability and less repetition 3. Schedule can be uploaded once and Tranche statuses changed online 4. Linkage to CHIETA enrolments and certification
6.5. Change Requests & Sweeps Processes CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability 6.5. Change Requests & Sweeps Processes Change requests Must be submitted within 1 months of MoA submission and will not result in an extension of the delivery / implementation timeframes No Change requests will be accepted after the 06th November 2017 for DG2017-2018-C1 All older cycles have closed for change requests and will not be considered Will not be accepted after Tranche 1b has been processed To be submitted on the CHIETA Change request template in consultation with the Regional Skills Advisor Are not guaranteed and could result in a sweep of funds and will result in the recovery of Tranche 1a Sweeps Will result in the recovery or pro-rata recovery of Tranche 1a payments if no implementation is recorded To be submitted on the CHIETA Sweep request template in consultation with the Regional Skills Advisor All expired (No Contractual Commitment) MoAs will be automatically swept unless an extension is approved before expiry – This will result in a recovery of Tranches paid if no implementation has taken place
REMINDER - DG System – Old Interface CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability REMINDER - DG System – Old Interface DG2015-2016-Cycle-2 to DG 2016-2017-1 & 2 will be managed on old interface till completion Learner schedule will remain as is and will be available for download under reference documents Process for uploads and contract management will remain unchanged.
CHIETA, The Catalyst for Enhanced Skills, Economic Growth and Employability Thank you Email: Aisseri@chieta.org.za Tel: 011 628 7009 ext 2033