Organizing an Academic Essay


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Presentation transcript:

Organizing an Academic Essay Conclusion Introduction Body Paragraphs © 2001 by Ruth Luman References

Introduction What is an essay ? An essay is a piece of writing that usually has five or more paragraphs. An essay is written about one topic that has several main points. The main points are introduced in an introductory paragraph and supported in body paragraphs. The conclusion is the last paragraph. Essay Body Paragraph 1 _____________ Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3 Introduction _____________ Conclusion _____________

Parts of an Essay An Introduction An introductory paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay. It contains two parts. 1. General Statements: a few sentences about your subject that catch the attention of your reader. 2. A Thesis Statement: one sentence that tells your reader the main points of your topic and states the overall “plan” of your essay.

Example An Introduction General Statements “Metropolitan City is full of charm and scenic beauty, so visitors from around the world come to enjoy its famous theaters,museums, countless ethnic restaurants, and scenic wonders. Although Metropolitan City seems like a paradise, it isn’t. The city has several serious problems: poor public transportation, congested streets, and expensive housing” (Hogue, A. & Oshima, A., 1991, p. 92). Thesis Statement

Parts of an Essay Body Paragraphs The body consists of one or more paragraphs following the introduction. Each paragraph supports the main idea of your essay by breaking it down into smaller ideas or sub- topics. Each body paragraph consists of a topic sentence and several supporting sentences. A conclusion sentence draws the paragraph together. Introduction Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3

Example Body Paragraph Topic Sentence “The first and most important problem is Metropolitan City’s inadequate public transportation system. Thousands of residents rely on the city’s buses and streetcars to travel throughout this large city, but Metro Transportation System’s daily schedules are totally unreliable. A bus or streetcar that should arrive at 7:45 may not arrive until 8:00 or later. Moreover, it is not unusual for a bus driver to pass up groups of people waiting for the bus, because he wants to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, people often end up going to work late or missing important appointments. In order for people to get to their destinations on time, people must allow for waiting time at the bus and streetcar stops” (Hogue, A. & Oshima, A., 1991, p. 79). Concluding Sentence Supporting Sentences

Parts of an Essay Conclusion The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph in the essay. It completes the essay by summarizing or repeating the most important ideas. The conclusion can also include an opinion, a prediction, or a solution to a problem. Body Paragraph 1 Introduction Conclusion Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3

Example Conclusion Summary of Main Ideas “In conclusion, Metropolitan City must improve its public transit system, clear up the massive traffic jams caused by slow-moving traffic in the downtown areas, and keep rentals down to affordable levels. In other words, Metropolitan City must improve its image, or it will soon become just another mediocre city due to the lack of administrative responsibility to solve these unfortunate problems” (Hogue, A. & Oshima, A., 1991, p. 79). Prediction

Example An Introduction General Statements Going to a new school can be exciting, but for an international student, the years of education in a different country can be difficult and tumultuous. When I first arrived in the U.S. to attend a university, I was overwhelmed and confused by everything new. Fortunately, I met three very special friends who made a positive impact on my life during those years and helped me survive the trials of being a foreigner in a completely different educational system. Thesis Statement

Example Body Paragraph Topic Sentence One of the first people I met was Joe Frieda. I first met Joe standing in a line at the bookstore. I was having a difficult time finding the books for the English classes I was taking my first semester here. He not only helped me find my books, but he also gave me some good advice on where to get tutorial help on campus and where I could find some good restaurants. We’ve become better friends since then and he has been so helpful in answering any questions I have about going to school in the U.S. and about American culture. If I hadn’t met Joe that day, I might still be looking for the right books for my classes! Concluding Sentence Supporting Sentences

Example Conclusion Summary of Main Ideas “The significance of the kindness that these three people showed me and the impact that it has made on my life during my experience as an international student at State University cannot be underestimated. I will never forget their friendship and will remember their examples of kindness to me whenever I encounter other foreigners in my own country. Promise or Resolution

Overview of an Essay Introduction General statements and information about the topic Thesis statement- lists the main ideas in the essay Body Paragraph 1 Body Paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3 Body Paragraphs Support the main ideas of the thesis statement Begin with topic sentences Conclusion Brief summary of main points of the essay

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