Update on Junction Box Design Edyta Pilorz (Cracow University of Technology) 07/09/2016
Available space in the alcove - reminder width: 1560 mm height: 1000 mm depth: 181 mm
2 layers- concept As the available amount of space is limited, the 2-layer concept was created: 1st layer – containing the objects before entering detector/heater 2nd layer – containing the objects after the detector/heater
1st layer - overview
1st layer - overview PV3010 (connection valve) PV3010 PV3A14 PV3010 TT3012 FT3010 CV3B20 PT3010 PV3B14 PV3A14 PT3012 & BD3012 PV3C14 PT3012 & BD3012 PV3B14 PT3010 CV3B20
2nd layer - overview
2nd layer - overview EH3B30 TT3B30 EH3B30 EH3B31 PV3036 PT3B30 PV3036 & BD3036 PV3036 TT3B36 TT3B36
Junction Box – insulation shape Valves sticking out Foam Valves sticking out Area cut for pressure transmitters and burst discs
Remarks Depth limit: 181 mm not enough; Currently the objects take 252 mm space in depth; with supports they will take more than 300 mm - is the solution for a dismountable junction box acceptable? The manoeuvre could take few hours if all well studied in terms of supports. Two heaters are too close to each other; the best solution would be to direct them towards front – does it matter how much Junction Box will stick out in depth??? Open points for 3D model completion: Rotarex Valve to be changed for the model with ¾ inch VCR connections – the supplier does not provide a model; 3D model to be design on my own After chat in the workshop – bending radius for 18 mm pipes is too big; they advice to put elbows instead Swagelok Valves with DMD extensions to be checked if fit with VCRs connections Two manual valves to be put after bigger problems solved – they are rather small and can be put anywhere; should not cause any problems CDD code jus created for drawings of our team concerning CO2 cooling: LHCXCDVU will contain all CO2 LHCb plant drawings – anything against?
Thank you for the attention!