Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme


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Presentation transcript:

Global Climate Change Alliance: Intra-ACP Programme WO69 Technical Assistance and Capacity Building to Prepare INDCs for the Caribbean Forum Countries Gathering Pertinent Data and Information Dr Luís Alves Senior Expert Climate Support Facility

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information Developing an INDC based on relevant data and analysis can help ensure that the INDC is realistic and achievable, clear and concrete, ambitious, aligned with national priorities, and contributes to achieving the objective of the Convention

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information Parties may already have significant quantities of data and analysis that can be used when preparing the INDC Existing information might be sufficient, in which case collecting a significant amount of new data or conducting new analysis will not be necessary

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information It is important that the national coordinating body for climate policy properly initiates the INDC preparation process, including securing a high level political endorsement and securing the mandate and support from relevant ministries to begin the process

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information All ministries, agencies and stakeholders involved should understand the importance of the INDC preparation as a national process, and as input for the international climate change negotiations under the UNFCCC

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information The national coordinating body manages the process, including, depending on country circumstances: Securing high level support Proposing the process elements and establishing a timeline Coordinating roles, responsibilities, and deliverables Managing resources and funds Providing access to international or domestic sources of support for the INDC preparation process Mediating conflicting interests of involved parties, etc.

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information Prepare an overview listing the available or needed information based on the detailed questions under each of the components, including the question to be addressed, status, action(s) required, and level of urgency, for each element: Inspirational national long term emissions goal National short term emissions target Energy targets Highlight policies and projects International support needs for mitigation

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information An essential step is gathering the technical information on benefits, mitigation potential and costs that is needed to decide on an INDC Stocktaking of what mitigation action is already ongoing and what mitigation effects will be achieved without any additional action helps to define the BAU scenario and thereby what the unilateral unconditional goal will comprise

What the INDC should target and prioritise The national GHG inventory and projections, as well as an understanding of national objectives and priorities, can help Parties understand which sectors and greenhouse gases to target in the INDC For example, information on the current emissions profile of the country, as well as the past and projected rate of change of emissions in various sectors, can help Parties identify which sectors and greenhouse gases contribute most to current emissions, are growing most rapidly over time, and have sufficient data available for inclusion in an INDC

What the INDC should target and prioritise Information on climate change trends, impacts, and vulnerabilities can help a Party identify vulnerable groups and sectors within the country that can be targeted and prioritised by adaptation planning and action

Useful Documentation for Mitigation

Useful Documentation for Mitigation

Gathering Pertinent Data and Information

IN SUMMARY, WHAT TO LOOK FOR ? Gathering Pertinent Data and Information IN SUMMARY, WHAT TO LOOK FOR ?

What to look for Consistency with the most current and comprehensive national plans, visions, strategies, policies and laws, or a process to work towards such consistency Evidence of high-level political commitment Clearly defined mandates, roles, responsibilities and timeline for design and implementation

What to look for Evidence of, or a process for, coordination among relevant ministries/agencies Whether and how stakeholder concerns have been reflected Adequate capacity and resources for preparation of the INDC

What to look for Description of relevant legal authorities to be used to implement and enforce the INDC Description of relevant policy instruments to be used to implement the INDC, and their current status (planned, adopted, implemented) Clarity on when and how new policy instruments will be adopted and implemented, if the INDC requires them

What to look for Clarity on how the INDC will draw on existing policies to go beyond current activities, if the INDC draws primarily on policies already in place A statement of gaps, barriers and needs to achieve stated mitigation goals A statement of how much and what kind of additional international support is needed to achieve specific aspects of the INDC

What to look for INDC type and emissions reduction or limitation level, as well as a reference scenario or base year Time frames and/or periods for implementation of the INDC Scope and coverage of the INDC (sectors, gases, geography, percentage of national emissions)

What to look for Information on planning processes, such as the process for preparing, implementing, and tracking of the INDC Assumptions and methodological approaches including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals

What to look for How the country considers its INDC to be fair and ambitious (in light of its national circumstances) and how it contributes towards achieving the objective of the Convention