Monday 12/11 Who needs to present still? Take out your Huck Finn novel, prompt, and sign into a computer Monday 12/11
Sign into a laptop and take out your Huck Finn prompt Tuesday 12/12
Wednesday 12/13 Vocab Test on Block day just fyi Get your portfolio. We need to pass back papers. Who needs to present still? Wednesday 12/13
Review your answers with group members from the last multiple choice test. Locate correct answers. On the back of the key, answer the following: Which type of questions are you missing (do not tell me the #s…the type!): author’s purpose, diction, tone, evidence, primary function of something, grammar, meaning Which question type are you most confident on? What goal can you make for next time? TURN IN TEST AND ANSWER SHEET WITH REFLECTION Wed. classwork
Huck Finn End of Novel review Did you read the whole novel? Or all of your 100 pages? Or did you just skim and find your excerpt? With more time, would you have read the entire novel? Would you rather…read the whole novel with socratic discussions, or study a portion of it through socratic discussion? In terms of our goal this quarter: understand an author’s use of satire and write a rhetorical analysis of it— what activity or lesson do you need me to cover next semester so you feel prepared on your own? Huck Finn End of Novel review
Complete the AP survey specifically for AP Language Thurs/Fri 12/14-15
Take out a sheet of lined paper. Label Vocabulary Test. Words: Hubris Idiosyncrasy Efficacy Laud 200 word response
Environmental prompt Per 1 & 5 Get into groups with your peers next to you. Review your notes-what was the author’s purpose and what devices did you notice? ON ONE SHEET OF PAPER FOR YOUR GROUP: Outline how you would answer the prompt Thesis: Body paragraph 1: device and purpose. 1 example of evidence Body paragraph 2: device and purpose. 1 example of evidence Body paragraph 3: device and purpose. 1 example of evidence Conclusion: What point is the author trying to convey and how? Environmental prompt Per 1 & 5