Phylum Porifera
General Characteristics Simplest multi-cellular animals No organs or true tissues/ No nervous system Asymmetrical or Radial symmetry Sessile animals Filter-feeders Body openings: Many tiny incurrent pores and one large out current pore Can be brightly colored to blend into the coral reef Introduction to Sponges
15,000 Species Where do Sponges live? Most live in Marine Environments Few live in Brackish Water About 150 species live in freshwater Most live in Marine Environments Freshwater sponge (Spongilla) Xestospongia muta (Giant Barrel Sponge)
Where do Sponges live? Commensals: organism lives on or in another with benefit to the organism, no harm to the host. Examples: crabs, mites, Bryozoans, and fishes live as commensals on sponges. Sponges grow on other animals like molluscs, barnacles, brachiopods, and corals. Some crabs attach sponges to their shells as camoflauge. Stenorhynchus seticornis (Decorator Crab)
Vary in size (2mm- 2m in diameter) What Do they look like? Vary in size (2mm- 2m in diameter) Some are brightly colored due to pigments in their dermal cells. Asymmetrical or Radial Symmetry A sponge the size of a minivan, the largest on record, was found in summer 2015 during a deep-sea expedition in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument off Hawaii.
What Do they look like? Growth patterns depends on: Shape of what it’s growing on Direction and speed of water currents Calm Water= taller and straighter than rapid moving water Availability of Space *Sponges of same species may look different based on environmental conditions*
Framework can be Fibrous or Rigid Sponge Structure Framework can be Fibrous or Rigid Spicules: support structures can be calcareous (composed of calcium carbonate) or siliceous (composed of silicon dioxide) Spongin (collagenous material) forms a skeletal network
Sponge Structure Composed of 3 layers Pinacoderm: Outer layer of flattened contractile cells (pinacocytes) with pores that allow water in Mesohyl: non-living gelatinous matrix containing a variety of specialized cells Collar cells (choanocytes) which capture food from water flowing through channels.
Sponge Structure: Type of Cells 1. Pinacocytes: make up pinacoderm Closest thing to true tissue in sponges Thin and flat May take up food particles by phagocytosis Some are Myocytes and regulate water flow around pores and oscula
Sponge Structure: Type of Cells 2. Archaeocytes: ambeoid cells (can change shape and move) in the Mesohyl Get food from Choanocytes Phagocytize particles from pinacoderm Differentiate into other cell types that: Secrete Spicules, Secrete Spongin and Secrete Collagen
Sponge Structure: Type of Cells 3. Choanocytes: flagellated collar cells used to move water Used for Filter Feeding Beating of flagella draws water past each cell bringing in food Designed as an aquatic filter for removing particles in water
Structures for Filter Feeding Dermal ostia Water enters dermal ostia. Choanocyte flagella flapping moves water through channels. Food is collected by choanocyte collars. Amobocytes digest food Used water moves out into the spongocoel and out the osculum.
Asconoids (1) This canal system is known as the simplest. (2) Choanocytes line the internal spongocoel cavity. (6) In this type of canal system water is expelled through one single large osculum. (9) This type of canal system is only found in class Calcarea. (10) In this type of canal system the least amount of food is able to be filtered out because the spongocoel is large and not all the water can pass by the choanocytes to be filtered.
Syconoids (4) The lining of this sponge is folded outward to form choanocyte lined canals that water passes through. (8) In this type of canal system choanocytes line radial canals in order to filter feed. (12) In this type of canal system the sponge has a tubular shape and a single osculum, but the body wall of spongocoel is thicker and more complex. (13) Type of canal system is found in class Calcarea and Hexactinellida. (6) In this type of canal system water is expelled through one single large osculum.
Leuconoids (3) This canal system is the most complex (5) This type of canal system usually includes many oscula that have small openings. This causes the water to be expelled away from the sponge at a high velocity. (7) Most sponges contain this type of canal system. (11) In this type of canal system the most amount of food is captured due to the slow flow of water and close proximity to choanocytes.
Reproduction What form of reproduction occurs when a sponges can repair injuries or restore lost parts? ASEXUAL: REGENERATION
Describe how a sponge can reproduce using external buds. Reproduction Describe how a sponge can reproduce using external buds. External buds reach a certain size, become detached from the parent and form a new sponge.
Reproduction What are gemmules? Archaeocytes that have collected in the Mesohyl are surrounded by tough spongin. When the parent sponge dies, gemmules remain dormant and escape through micropyles to develop new sponges.
Reproduction Why do you think some sponges reproduce asexually through gemmules rather than external buds? Sponges that live in hostile environments might reproduce via gemmules. This especially is true for sponges that live in areas of freezing temperatures or drought. (an adaptation for survival)
Reproduction What is it called when an organism has both male and female sex cells? Monoecious
Describe sexual reproduction that is viviparous. Internal Fertilization: Sperm is released and then captured in the canals system of another. Choanocytes carry the sperm to the egg cells in the Mesohyl.
Describe sexual reproduction that is viviparous.
Describe sexual reproduction that is viviparous. External Fertilization: Sperm and eggs cells are both released and combine outside the sponge.
Sponge Classifications Class Calcarea Class Hexactinellida Class Demospongiae
Sponge Classification What information is used to put sponges into the different classifications? Spicules: composition and design
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge contains most of all living sponge species? (~95%) Class Demospongiae
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge contains nearly all the deep sea sponge species? Class Hexactinellida
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge tend be very small (10cm or less in height)? Class Calcarea
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge has spicules that made of calcium carbonate, and are typically straight with 3 or 4 rays? Class Calcarea
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge contains only sponge species with a Leuconoid canal type? Class Demospongiae
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge has siliceous spicules which are bound together by spongin (but sometimes has no spicules at all!)? Class Demospongiae
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge can be Asconoid, Syconoid, or Leuconoid in canal structure? Class Calcarea
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge has a skeleton of siliceous spicules with 6 rays? Class Hexactinellida
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge can live in both fresh water or salt water? Class Demospongiae
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge grow to between 7.5cm to 1.3m in length? Class Hexactinellida
Sponge Classification Which class of sponge are tubular, vase, or balloon shaped? Class Calcarea
Sponge Phylogeny Describe how one species of sponge living in deep in the ocean has adapted to a new method of eating. Watch the Video
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