National 5 Course Information
Course Content 4 internal assessments- Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening Each assessment area has several outcomes to pass e.g. Reading outcome 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 You must pass each individual outcome to pass the entire assessment. You must pass each assessment to gain a full award at N5 You will have once reassessment opportunity for each
Folio You will also have to produce a Writing Folio This will include two pieces of writing of different genres You must produce a plan, redraft and final draft for each piece This is sent away to the SQA
Scottish Texts You will study 6 Scottish poems These poems are by the same poet and have similar features There will be a section in the exam where you must answer questions on one of the poems (which will be printed in the exam) However, the final question (worth 8 marks) requires you to compare this to the other poems you have learned and these will not be printed for you You do not know which of the 6 will appear in the exam
The Exam As well as the Scottish text section, you will be required to write an essay on a text studied in class You will write on Prose or Drama/Film The ST and CE appear in the same part of the exam The other exam paper will be a Close Reading
Course Outline June 1 Close Reading passage Prose Study- begin reading of prose text Writing piece 1- Persuasive. Note-taking and preparation of the plan/first draft and submission of final. Talk assessment
Course Outline 2 critical essays on Prose Study (Home and Class) AUGUST to NOVEMBER 2 critical essays on Prose Study (Home and Class) 2 Close Reading assessments Persuasive writing piece complete- writing assessment Listening assessment and opportunity to resit talk assessment
Target Setting In your jotter, choose 3 targets for S4 Think back over your progress in S3 Your targets should be achievable. They can be targets that you might work on all year. They can be to do with the course, specific skills, attitude, effort, homework, studying… Be prepared to discuss these