Curriculum/technology updates 2015-2016
Overview for today What’s New for 2015-2016 Curriculum? Performance Indicator Assessments (PIs) Curriculum/Technology Integration Professional Development Support Curriculum Rollout Dates The Instructional Leader’s Roll Questions
1 - What’s new for 15-16? Performance Indicator Assessments (PIs) – Year 1 Mathematics (K – 10) ELAR (K – 12) Year 2 Science and Social Studies New Science and Social Studies Curriculum Components New Anchor Labs in K – 12 Science Curriculum/Technology Integration Digital Citizenship Lessons Additional Resources (Textbook Alignments, etc.) Revisions from Campus Feedback (ELAR Bundle 1 and 2) Development of a Curriculum Advisory Committee
2 – Performance Indicators
What is a Performance Indicator? An Humble ISD Performance Indicator is a student performance or product assessment which demonstrates mastery of bundled standards.
Performance Indicator attributes include a tangible product or an observable performance that provides evidence of student learning wrap process skills and content together in order to address unit understandings (content/concept + process skill) align to the level of rigor described in the student expectations and may target difficult to assess items are often authentic assessments that reflect a meaningful context to students
Performance Indicator attributes - Continued often include real-world applications and may incorporate technology may be interval assessments and/or cumulative assessments within a unit of bundled standards may be used to diagnose individual student learning needs and to inform instruction accordingly should be used in conjunction with other forms of assessment to determine student mastery of content and skills
Performance Indicator attributes - Continued Student products and/or performances presented in Performance Indicators are optional per campus discretion.
Performance indicator examples Short, single-class performances or tasks Open-ended projects (student-choice but content driven) Research projects/presentations Writing Tasks (essays, dialog, poetry, etc.) Multimedia presentations (videos, online posters) Lab Reports Creative writing (brochures, blogs, wikis, cartoons) Problem solving scenarios Etc.
Why do we need Performance Indicators?
Typical DOK Levels? State or National Standardized Tests Benchmark Tests Checkpoints or Chapter/Unit Tests Classroom Formative Assessments
Typical DOK Levels? Performance Indicators…. 3 -
Example of a Grade 2 mathematics PI
Example of an Grade 6 elar PI Write an imaginative short story from either first or third person point of view. Tell about a character facing a problem with a friend. Include sensory language to create imagery.
Example of an Elementary Social Studies PI Given a choice of regions, choose a region you think would be best in which to live. Write a poem about the region justifying your choice. Include information on the following in your poem: natural resources natural hazards weather pattern how the physical characteristics of the region affect people's activities how people use the physical environment and natural resources to meet their basic needs
Example of an elementary science PI Write a scenario in which the energy from the Sun has changed drastically. Explain how the change in energy will affect the ocean and its role in the water cycle.
Negotiables and non-negotiables Will performance indicators be required of teachers? Not recommended – Let’s take a positive, “try-it” approach! ALTs and Curriculum Staff will follow up with student work sharing opportunities
Negotiables and non-negotiables Will products and performances be required of teachers? Not recommended – Products and Performances should be left up to teacher discretion Again, let’s take a “try-it” approach! ALTs and Curriculum Staff will be seeking feedback from teachers throughout out the next two years
Negotiables and non-negotiables Will technology in PIs be required of teachers? Not recommended – Infrastructure limitations make inhibit use of technology for the current year One more time… let’s take a “try-it” approach! Digital Learning Staff, ALTs, and Curriculum Staff will be providing PD and support to encourage teachers in technology usage
Quadrant Questions
3 - Technology Integration Technology will be integrated in 3 areas on the Instructional Framework Documents for Mathematics (K – 10) and ELAR during Year 1: Performance Indicators (as applicable) – Page 1 TEKS - Suggested Technology Standards – Page 6 Instructional Resources – Page 7
Digital Citizenship lessons 2014-2015 implementation - 3 lessons per grade Method of Implementation? Campus discretion During 2015-2016, Digital Citizenship Lessons will be aligned within Social Studies Units…BUT… Method of implementation will still be at campus discretion During 2016-2017, lessons will be implemented within Social Studies units…BUT… We will gather feedback this spring and throughout next year to see if we need to make adjustments to the plan Please ask your Social Studies teachers to start reviewing evaluating the lessons in order to provide feedback
Looking for technology.. Digital Citizenship Lessons Social Studies Instructional Framework Documents (IFDs) Instructional Resources section Under Technology – Page 8
Quadrant Questions
4 - Curriculum and Technology Pd for 2015 - 2016 All hands on deck – Professional development support for all groups All hands on deck – Collaborative effort by: Curriculum staff Digital Learning staff ALTs In conjunction with district partnerships – Examples: lead4ward strategies and Focus Standards, ICLE Rigor and Relevance, Writing Across the Curriculum…
PD for Curriculum and Technology - TEachers Curriculum / Technology Rollout Trainings: Bundle 1 - Summer (Face-to-Face and Video) Bundles 2 – 4 Video Content 3 Follow up Elementary Early Dismissal PLC meetings throughout the year (Content and Grade Level Breakouts) Bundles 1 and 2: Summer Teacher; Bundles 3 and 4: Another teacher New Teachers: District New Teacher Training - August General Technology Support (Digital Learning Staff) General Support Trainings – Mobi’s, Formative Assessment, Google Docs, Clickers, Edmodo, etc. Summer, During Year (after school, Saturdays – optional)
PD for Curriculum and Technology - ALTs ALT Monthly Meetings: Training in Tech Apps to support PIs (Digital Learning Staff) Assistance with Curriculum Rollout Trainings and 3 PLC Follow-Ups Polycom meetings with Coordinators to assist with instructional planning support – optional, emphasis on tested subjects and grade levels Support with lead4ward strategy implementation and CIR Rounds
PD for Curriculum and Technology – Instructional technology TEachers Affinity Group PLC Meetings: Summer Offerings for Tech Apps and Overview of Technology Support for Teachers 3 PLC meetings in conjunction with Early Dismissal PLCs throughout the year Training in Tech Apps to support PIs (Digital Learning Staff) Periodic Polycom meetings with Digital Learning Staff to assist with technology applications
PD for Curriculum and Technology – Campus Instructional leaders Initial presentation of Curriculum Updates and Performance Indicators – April Horizontals ICLE Leadership / Instructional Technology Periodic Updates Horizontals Principals Updates
Quadrant Questions
6 - Curriculum Document Rollout Calendar Bundle 1: BAGs, YAGs, *Phase I IFDs – May 29th Phase II IFDs – June 19th *Phase I IFDs – may not include Performance Indicators, TA TEKS, or selected resources Note: Current curriculum documents will not “go dark” – new/revised documents will replace existing versions
Curriculum Document Rollout Calendar Bundle 2: IFDs – August 1 Bundle 3: IFDs – August 28 Bundle 4: IFDs – October 23rd
Quadrant Questions
7 - The Instructional Leader’s role… What’s the Plan? Talk to your Asst. Principals regarding Curriculum and Technology Plan for 2015-2016 PowerPoint? Handouts? Arrange for attendance and support the Professional Development Plan Encourage and support Curriculum Writing Teams and ALTs in attending meetings – Great curriculum is not created in isolation Provide positive support for both teachers trying out Performance Indicators and/or Technology – No gotcha’s Attend instructional planning meetings whenever possible and advocate for the use of curriculum documents as a FOUNDATIONAL TOOL for planning
Questions? Thank you!