Welcome to our 10:30 Sunday Mass Featuring our children’s choir
My Shepherd 1. When I stray far (2x) Turning away (2x)
R. When I’m lost and I cannot find the way When the choices that I’ve made, Just don’t feel right. My Shepherd, always there for me. My Shepherd always leading me. My Shepherd to your healing hands I come.
Knowing what’s right (2x) 2. When I am wrong (2x) Knowing what’s right (2x)
R. When I’m lost and I cannot find the way When the choices that I’ve made, Just don’t feel right. My Shepherd, always there for me. My Shepherd always leading me. My Shepherd to your healing hands I come.
. 3. Just as I am (2x) I come to you (2x)
R. When I’m lost and I cannot find the way When the choices that I’ve made, Just don’t feel right. My Shepherd, always there for me. My Shepherd always leading me. My Shepherd to your healing hands I come.
Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, elseison.
O Lord, have mercy, O Christ, have mercy, have mercy, Lord.
And I know you love me , too. Help me love my neighbor Lord Jesus, I love you; And I know you love me , too. Help me love my neighbor as myself. Lord Jesus, this I pray.
O Lord, have mercy, O Christ, have mercy, have mercy, Lord.
Glory! Glory! Glory to God! Gloria Glory! Glory! Glory to God!
Glory to God in the heights Praise and thanksgiving to you, of the heavens Peace to God's people, all people on earth. 2. Son of the Father, all glory and worship; Praise and thanksgiving to you, Lamb of God.
3. You take away the sins of the world; Have mercy on us, receive our prayer. 4. Seated in power at the right of the Father, Jesus alone is the Lord, the Most High. 5. And with the Spirit of love everlasting, Reigning in glory forever. Amen.
Yes Lord I Believe 1. Do you believe in God the Father? Who made the earth and all we see Do you believe in Jesus Christ? God's only son born of Mary 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. I believe in God the Father I believe in God the Son I believe in the Spirit And the strength that makes us one I believe that Mother Mary Sits with Jesus at God's hand I believe I do believe. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
2. Do you believe that Jesus died? Yes Lord I believe! He died for us so we could live Do you believe He rose again? He's seated now at God's right hand 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. I believe in God the Father I believe in God the Son I believe in the Spirit And the strength that makes us one I believe that Mother Mary Sits with Jesus at God's hand I believe I do believe. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
3. Do you believe in God's great Church? Yes Lord I believe! And all the saints who have walked with God Do you believe in God's forgiveness? That we will rise to life again 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. I believe in God the Father I believe in God the Son I believe in the Spirit And the strength that makes us one I believe that Mother Mary Sits with Jesus at God's hand I believe I do believe. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
4. This is our faith which we profess Yes Lord I believe! R. I believe in God the Father I believe in God the Son I believe in the Spirit And the strength that makes us one I believe that Mother Mary Sits with Jesus at God's hand I believe I do believe. (2) 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
1. Jesus, you are the healing, you came to make us whole again. BB 397 You are the Healing 1. Jesus, you are the healing, you came to make us whole again. Jesus, you are the healing, come show us how to live. Jesus, you are the healing, (3x) Come show us how to live. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
2. Jesus, you are the freedom, you break the chains that bind us. come show us how to live. Jesus, you are the freedom, (3x) Come show us how to live. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
you break the chains that bind us. 3. Jesus, you are the power, you break the chains that bind us. Jesus, you are the power, come show us how to live. Jesus, you are the power, (3x) Come show us how to live. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
4. Jesus, the resurrection, you raise us to eternal life. come show us how to live. Jesus, the resurrection, (3x) Come show us how to live 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. We come to the table of the Lord 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me R. We come to the table of the Lord As one body formed in your love (2x)
shared to nourish us (2x) At the table of the Lord (2x) Bread broken and shared to nourish us (2x) At the table of the Lord (2x) 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. We come to the table of the Lord 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me R. We come to the table of the Lord As one body formed in your love (2x)
we will never thirst (2x) At the table of the Lord (2x) 2. Cup poured out so we will never thirst (2x) At the table of the Lord (2x) 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. We come to the table of the Lord 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me R. We come to the table of the Lord As one body formed in your love (2x)
Come, come share with me Come, come to my feast. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. We come to the table of the Lord 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me R. We come to the table of the Lord As one body formed in your love (2x)
BB 326 Bread, Blessed and Broken 1. Jesus, you’re the one I love; You’re the one I know. You’re the one who makes me strong, Spirit in my soul. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. Bread, blessed and broken for us all, Symbol of your love From a grain so tall. Bread, blessed and broken for us all Bread of life you give to us, Bread of life for all. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
2. From the clouds of yesterday, through the night of pain, Teach me, Lord, to know your way, know it once again. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. Bread, blessed and broken for us all, Symbol of your love From a grain so tall. Bread, blessed and broken for us all Bread of life you give to us, Bread of life for all. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
3. May the bread we break today, may the cup we share Lift the burdens of our hearts, lift them everywhere 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. Bread, blessed and broken for us all, Symbol of your love From a grain so tall. Bread, blessed and broken for us all Bread of life you give to us, Bread of life for all. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
Love to make us whole again, 4. Passing on to each of us a measure of your love Love to make us whole again, as we share your Word. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. Bread, blessed and broken for us all, Symbol of your love From a grain so tall. Bread, blessed and broken for us all Bread of life you give to us, Bread of life for all. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
5. Jesus, you’re the one I love; you’re the one I know. You’re the one who makes me strong, Spirit in my soul. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
Jesus when the sun goes down Jesus in the Morning 1. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning, Jesus in the noon-time Jesus, Jesus, Jesus when the sun goes down 2. Praise him 3. Love him 4. Call him 5. Hear him 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
BB 581 They’ll Know we are Christians We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord, (2x) And we pray that all unity may one day be restored. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land. 2. We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand, (2x) And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. R. And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
And we’ll guard each one’s dignity and save each one’s pride. 3. We will work with each other, we will work side by side. (2x) And we’ll guard each one’s dignity and save each one’s pride. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. R. And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
4. All praise to the Father, from whom all things come, And all praise to Christ Jesus, his only Son, And all praise to the Spirit who makes us one. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me
R. And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love, Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love. 1. We gather all to hear your word, like Jesus showed us We learn to follow in your way, R. Do this, do this, do this in memory of me Do this, do this, do this in memory of me