Folk Culture Popular Culture Origin Diffusion Distribution Chapter 4: Folk and Popular Culture Key Issue 1: Where Are Folk and Popular Leisure Activities Distributed? Rubenstein, pp. 108-115 Name: Period: 1. Describe the TWO elements of culture emphasized in this chapter: 1. 2. 2. What is the difference between a habit and a custom? Provide an example for each. Characteristics of Folk and Popular Culture 3. Use the chart below to explain the origin, diffusion, and distribution of folk and popular culture. Folk Culture Popular Culture Origin Diffusion Distribution
Religion Subjects of Paintings Buddhists Hindus Muslims Animists 4. Use the chart below to describe the subjects of paintings for each religious group. Religion Subjects of Paintings Buddhists Hindus Muslims Animists Origin and Diffusion of Folk and Popular Music 5. List elements of the origin and characteristics of FOLK MUSIC. 6. List elements of the origin and diffusion of POPULAR MUSIC. 7. Give an example of how music illustrates elements of both folk and popular culture. 8. How was soccer transformed from a folk custom into popular culture? 9. Draw a small graphic in the space below to link popular or folk sports with the countries in which they are most popular and with which they are best associated. 10. Despite their anonymous folk origins, what characteristics of organized spectator sports today characterize them as popular culture?
Chapter 4: Folk and Popular Culture Key Issue 2: Where are Folk and Popular Material Culture Distributed? Rubenstein, pp. 116-125 Folk and Popular Clothing 1. How does clothing style (in this case, shoes) indicate the influence of the environment on folk culture? Diffusion of Popular Clothing 2. Popular clothing habits reflect occupation and income in what ways? Folk and Popular Food Preferences 3. Indicate some food attractions and taboos, along with the cultures that practice them, in the table below. FOODS TO CRAVE OR AVOID FOOD TABOOS Cultures/regions Foods/reasons 4. List 4 examples (2 for each) of food differences from various countries and regions of the U.S. 5. In what sense are building materials of folk housing unique? Provide examples.
6. List 5 examples of house form (material used) and the unique folk cultures each illustrates. ● 7. List 5 examples of sacred spaces and the countries they come from. U.S. Housing Forms 8. Fred Kniffen, a cultural geographer, has identified three source regions for American folk housing styles: New England, Middle Atlantic, and Lower Chesapeake. List the different regions where each of these styles can be found. New England – Middle Atlantic – Lower Chesapeake – Folk and Popular Culture: Key Issue 3 Why Is Access to Folk and Popular Culture Unequal? Rubenstein, pp. 126-131 ROLE OF TELEVISION IN DIFFUSING POPULAR CULTURE 1. Give two reasons for which television is an especially significant element of culture: 1. 2. 2. Describe the four stages (time periods) of diffusion of TV.
Country dominating television . . . 3. Make a note about the situation of worldwide internet usage in each of the following years. 1995 2000 Today 4. What three countries dominate worldwide television markets? What regions does each dominate? Country dominating television . . . Region it dominates . . . 5. Why do developing nations view television as a new source of cultural imperialism? 6a. What are the world’s two largest newspaper organizations? Who owns them? 6b. How is news media different in most of Africa and Asia than in Western democracies? 7. Regarding governmental control of television… a. How is it changing? b. What is causing the changes? c. What are the effects of these changes? 8. List the 4 types of Internet content that may be blocked. A. B. C. D.
Folk and Popular Culture: Key Issue 4 Why Do Folk and Popular Culture Face Sustainability Challenges? Rubenstein, pp. 132-137 DIFFUSION OF FOLK AND POPULAR CULTURE THE AMISH 1. Where did Amish culture originate and how did it diffuse to the United States? 2. In what ways is Amish culture distinct from the popular culture of the United States? 3. What is happening to the Amish in the United States today? 4. Use dots to identify the Amish core area. Label each of the states with large numbers of Amish. 5. How have women in many parts of the world been helped by the spread of popular culture? How have they been hurt? 6. What is a “uniform landscape”? 7. How and why is this concept utilized by fast-food restaurants? 8. How is the playing of golf and golf courses an example of a popular custom which is not generally in harmony with the local environment?
9. Describe two ways in which popular customs have an adverse effect on the natural environment. B. 10. Identify a couple major resources that are being depleted as products of popular culture. 11. Identify the top two materials recovered thru recycling. 12. Describe the two main series of activities involved in recycling collection Pick-up and Processing Manufacturing
Golf: Folk or Popular Culture? Case Study Sheet Directions: Complete the following case study about the sport of golf (P 135). Name/Topic of Case Study: Golf: Folk or Popular Culture? Topic in AP Human Geography: Location: (Country and Region) Purpose of Case Study: Summarize the Case Study Below: Related Vocabulary