Integrated Open Access (OA) Service Mick Eadie, Research Information Officer Valerie McCutcheon, Research Information Manager @mccutchv 10.1629/uksg.277 Hello friends. I am Valerie McCutcheon, Research Information Manager at the University of Glasgow. My colleague Mick Eadie and I have been asked to tell you a bit about how we have integrated open access management and metadata into our systems and processes.
Open Access History 2006: EPrints repository for Glasgow ‘Enlighten’ launched 2008: Publications Policy mandates deposit in repository 2010: EPrints repository linked to the Research System to bring in awards 2012: Valerie joined library from Research & Enterprise tasked with responding to new OA requirements. 2013: Government Department for Business, Innovation, & Skills provided some Universities pump-priming for open access. Moved to authors inform us of publications at acceptance. Our institutional repository was launched in 2006. Prior to moving to the library in 2012 I worked in the ‘Research and Enterprise’ department of the University. There was a lot of collaboration between Research and Enterprise and the library to deliver information management requirements. In 2010 we successfully linked the EPrints repository and the Research System so that awards are imported to the repository and can be attached to research outputs such as papers.
Open Access History 2013: Library took on existing Wellcome Trust OA management and new Research Council’s UK requirements 2014: Mick started at the University of Glasgow 2015: After successful testing we closed down the spreadsheets and logged all of our information on EPrints – huge time savings and better reporting. 2015: Preparations for UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) Open Access Requirements 2016: REF requirements for papers accepted from 1st April In 2013 there were increased requirements for management of open access metadata, particularly article processing charges, from some of the major UK funders. Mick joined our research information management team in 2014 and we began to test better integration of additional open access information into our repository. After running some parallel testing we were delighted to close down our spreadsheet system in 2015. This saved us considerable staff time and facilitated better access and re-use of the information. This was very important as demands continued to grow. There were additional requirements for the UK Research Excellence Framework. Our service was also becoming more well known and quite popular.
Systems Landscape We thought it would be useful to share a picture of where the repository sits in the University’s system landscape. EPrints at Glasgow is well integrated with other core systems such as the Human Resources System for people information and the Research System for awards and funder information. The information within the EPrints system is re-used for many purposes for example: Internally for performance development and review – staff publications are listed on their review form. Externally for reporting open access expenditure to funders.
Workflow At the University of Glasgow library staff take on the bulk of the administration for open access. The author has one simple step to take – they must inform a central email address that a paper has been accepted. The service is extremely popular.
Workflow Upload Author Final Version A typical workflow is that the author provides the library with the author final version and library staff upload this to the EPrints repository.
Workflow Record Date of Acceptance The author typically provides the acceptance date with their notification. If not the library can often find this without asking the author. This is added to EPrints to facilitate compliance with the Research Excellence Framework requirements. The Accepted Date is added to EPrints to facilitate compliance with Research Excellence Framework requirements.
Workflow Attach Funding The library adds the funding information to EPrints. We use the drop down list to identify the relevant awards that have been imported from the Research System. This facilitates reporting to funders.
Workflow Edit Open Access Info Our open access tab is additional functionality we created to help us manage open access metadata for each article. We have shared this code on GitHub ( for others to use. The type is a library administrative code which we apply when we first decide what to do with each publication we are notified of. There are more fields than seen on this screen and in fact we added additional field we at Glasgow did not need but other users such as Gernot have requested. We have hidden these additional fields where Glasgow does not currently use them.
Workflow This was not in EPrints REF Plugin provided by Jisc so we added this ourselves to facilitate compliance with REF The UK Research Excellence Framework Exercise requires author final versions of articles to be deposited in a repository within 3 months of publication date. Compliant deposit date is a field we use to verify when the correct version of the manuscript was deposited in EPrints.
Workflow For each record we have to state which REF panel the paper might be submitted to: Panel A and B map approximately to science, technology and medicine Panel C and D map approximately to arts and social sciences There are some exceptions that can be claimed if you cannot comply with the open access requirements.
Reporting Standard report exported from EPrints for funders Jisc and some of the major UK funders have agreed a format for reporting on open access compliance. We have built a report in EPrints to extract the data into a spreadsheet to the required format.
Reporting Compliance report for Colleges and Schools We have also used the EPrints reporting function to create compliance reports for our colleges. This allows managers and administrators to action any items that are at risk of not complying with the REF requirements.
Reporting Compliance report for Colleges and Schools These are the explanations of the colour coding and status supplied with the report.
What next? https://github/eprintsug/OpenAccess In future we would like to improve these reports, and build on some of the great work Gernot has done in producing some visualisations via EPrints. We are working to incorporate some of these visualisation ideas into our reports.
What next? Link to our REF selections software Collaborate with you: Talk the same language – CASRAI Keep in touch Our REF selections software is a module in EPrints where authors choose the papers they want to submit to the REF exercise. We want to more fully integrate the open access information with this module. We are very keen to continue to work with colleagues across the globe whether via initiatives such as the CASRAI open call which you may have heard of – and if you have not we encourage you to visit the site provided and endorse existing ideas or suggest other topics.