January 17, 2017 Board Workshop Mid-Year Data Review January 17, 2017 Board Workshop
iReady Predictive Proficiencies Data Mathematics Predictive Proficiency Percentages for Spring 2017 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Percent Proficient on Spring 2016 FSA Math iReady’s Predicted Proficiency for Math Spring 2017
Student Achievement, Achieve3000 Reading Three Year Comparison of Students Reaching or Approaching Grade Level Achievement Mid-Year 3rd 4th 5th 2014-15 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-Year) 2015-16 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2014-15 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-Year) 2015-16 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year)
Student Achievement, Achieve3000 Reading Three Year Comparison of Students Reaching or Approaching Grade Level Achievement Mid-Year 6 7 8 9 10 2014-15 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2015-16 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2014-15 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2015-16 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year)
DTO Student Achievement, Achieve3000 Reading Three Year Comparison of Students Reaching or Approaching Grade Level Achievement Mid-Year 3rd 4th 5th 2014-15 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-Year) 2015-16 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2014-15 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-Year) 2015-16 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year)
DTO Student Achievement, Achieve3000 Reading Three Year Comparison of Students Reaching or Approaching Grade Level Achievement Mid-Year 6 7 8 9 10 2014-15 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2015-16 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Approaching Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2014-15 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2015-16 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year) 2016-17 Grade Level Achievement (Mid-year)
Mid-Year Scrimmage Averages Percentage of Students Reaching or Approaching Proficiency 2016-17 Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Geometry 5th Science 8th Science Biology Civics US History Approaching Proficiency Mid-Year 15-16 Approaching Proficiency Mid-Year 16-17 Proficient Mid-Year 15-16 Mid-Year 16-17
7.9 Overview District Average Instructional Index Score Since Duval County Schools began administering Insight, the average Index score across the district has increased by almost one point. 7.9 Overview
5% Areas to Highlight Instructional Planning for Student Growth increase of I have access to questions, tasks, and assessments that allow me to assess students’ progress toward learning goals and pinpoint where understanding breaks down.
10% Areas to Highlight Learning Environment 4 year increase of Teachers and leaders at my school immediately address misbehavior in shared school spaces like hallways and the lunch room
14% Areas to Highlight Observation & Feedback 4 year increase of When I get feedback after an observation, I receive support to implement those changes (for example, someone models suggestions for me, I have time to practice outside of class, etc.).
71% Areas to Highlight Observation & Feedback When I am observed, I get feedback on the content of my lesson in addition to my teaching practice. *First year question appeared on survey
17% Areas to Highlight Professional Development 4 year increase of In the past six months, I have practiced teaching techniques with a peer or instructional expert outside my own classroom.
Areas to Highlight Instructional Planning and Student Growth Measures 20% 4 year increase of My school has dedicated time for teachers to analyze interim assessment data and/or student work and to plan for future instruction and intervention based on student performance.
Leaders at my school work hard to retain effective teachers. Areas to Highlight Teacher Retention Strategies Leaders at my school work hard to retain effective teachers. 14% increase of over 4 years
6% Areas to Highlight School Operations increase of My school's systems track student information (such as grading, attendance, testing, etc.) in a way that is useful and up-to-date.
Opportunities for Improvement Learning Environment Learning Environment is the domain with the largest gap between top-quartile and bottom-quartile schools 10 8.7 2.7 gap 6.0 Top Quartile School Avg Bottom Quartile School Avg 8.6 2.3 gap 6.3 December 2015 December 2016
11% Opportunities for Improvement Learning Environment 4 year increase of Across my school, there are consistent expectations and consequences for student behavior
My school is a good place to teach and learn Opportunities for Improvement Learning Environment My school is a good place to teach and learn 6% 4 year increase of
Opportunities for Improvement Hiring 32% 29% 30% 31% Before I started school, I planned my curriculum with other teachers of the same grade or content area.
Opportunities for Improvement Career Progression 38% 60% 56% 43% There are opportunities for me to advance at my school. I have a specific development goal or project for the coming year that excites me. The teachers who deserve leadership positions at my school are the most likely to get them. Someone at my school is thinking about my career progression.