Kyle McDevitt, Kyle Nakamura, Mike Huwyler Langston Hughes Blues Kyle McDevitt, Kyle Nakamura, Mike Huwyler
Biography Born in Joplin, Missouri on February 1, 1902. He belonged to an abolitionist family Lived in Harlem, New York He loved Jazz He had to move a lot because his mother never found steady work Traveled the world Believed in equality Father neglected him
How his life affected his poetry Was an African American Belonged to an abolitionist family Lived in Harlem Born in the South
Themes and Motifs Oppression Injustice Blacks and Whites Prejudice Overcoming Surviving Harlem Renaissance Rebellion
Literary Devices Rhythm Repetition Symbolism Metaphors Imagery
Literary Criticism (Past) Portrayed unsophisticated lower-class life of African Americans Negative Racial Stereotypes Does not portray African Americans in a positive way
Literary Criticism (Present) Spokesperson for the African American People Rhythmic Simple Wrote for the (his) people
We Think Wrote for people to understand Portrayed African Americans as he knew them Wrote in a a simplistic manner
Portrayed African Americans in a negative way We Don’t Think Portrayed African Americans in a negative way He used racial stereotypes in a way that portrays African American’s as low-class
Langston Hughes Affect on the World Langston Hughes was one of the most influential writers of his time He is one of if not the most widely known African American Authors to date His writing influence writers today