ARTISTS ESEARCH Leonardo Da Vinci Wangechi Mutu In her art she wants to talk about herself and women like her, women who has to manuvre the world in a body, skin color, an accent or hair texture like hesrself due to that their stories aren’t told to the masses as much as others in a contempoary setting and when it is it usually doesnt feel like the right representation. Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci was born April 15th 1452 in Vince Italy. Leonardo Da Vinci studied the laws of science and nature which greatly influenced his work as a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and military engineer. His interest in the human anatomy my began in 1489 where he started writing sevareal notebooks with drawings and anotations of the human anatomy.
Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1452, in Vinci, I Italy. Leonardo studied the laws of science and nature which greatly influenced his work as a painter, sculptor, architect, investor and military engineer. Leonardo the human anatomy began in 1489 and he wrote several notebooks with beautiful drawings and anotations of the human anatomy. His studies of the human anatomy where centuries before his time what I find intresting about his work is his detailed studies of the human body exploring the different angles and limbs from different angles and perspectives where he really looks into what hes exploring and creating during his process.
ART NALYSIS PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN The porpotion of lines creates a emphasis on the center of the work and creates focus on the detailing of the work. ART ELEMENTS The artist uses a lot of lines to create a sense of form, space, shape and texture. The colour chosen for this piece is this brownish texture which creates this formal scientific look which strengthens the depth of the lines and makes the values more noticeable in the work. The space in the piece creates a centre and a focus area for the viewer.
Wangechi Mutu Her obsession with the black female body is an obsession with herself navigating the world in a very processed form so she is isn’t doing biographical or self portraits type of work. In her art she is questioning and sort of resolving the issue of black women’s invisibility by making her work. She began to investigate different cultures and were she ”belonged” in that culture she had been obsessing with tv and movies. In her art she wants to talk about herself and women like her, women who has to manuvre the world in a body, skin color, an accent or hair texture like hesrself due to that their stories aren’t told to the masses as much as others in a contempoary setting and when it is it usually doesnt feel like the right representation. What i find intresting about her work is her search for herself, her people while creating representation and a voice with her work. I really enjoy her process of her work the idea of breaking down images and creating a ”true version” of her as a woman and the emotion and storytelling she brings into to her work .
ART NALYSIS PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN The porpotion of lines used and their variety in pattern creates movement in the work created. The amount of empty space in the peice creates contrast from the lines and emphasis at the same time. ART ELEMENTS The artist uses a lot of space to create a sense of form, shape and texture. The colour chosen for this piece are natural based colors such browns, reds and yellows which strengthens the depth of the lines and makes the values more noticeable in the work. The space in the piece creates a centre and a focus area for the viewer.
A So for my work I have decided to create a painting on canvas. My painting contains a lot of symbolisim I have let myself to be inspired by Wangechi Mutu due to her concept of finding herself in her work and creating a voice for people like her. I have also let myself be influenced by Leonardo Da Vinci’s Anatomy drawings though we don’t share similar concepts I use his journal sketches to inspire my anatomical drawings. I’ve decided to create a piece that symbolizes love between two people of different race or to be one of two races. I created this piece because as a person of mixed race I feel that it should be more socially acceptable for people to choose their own spouse not depending on what there ethnic, religious or cultural background is without having the fear of being judged. when walking with my (white) mum as a kid I noticed that a lot of people gave her dirty looks when they found out I wasn’t adopted (meaning she had sex with a black man) and I just don’t feel that someone should be judge for loving another human being due to the difference of their skin complexion. PROCESS T
BIBLIOGRAPHY http://wangechimutu.com/art/ https://www.biography.com/people/leonardo-da-vinci-40396 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Leonardo-da-Vinci/Anatomical-studies-and-drawings https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/med/study/ugr/mbchb/societies/surgical/events/cardiac_leonardo_da_vinci/ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/edinburgh-festival/9923336/Leonardo-da-Vinci-was-right-all-along-new-medical-scans-show.html