Wednesday 11/1/17 Notebook Entry: Complete this sentence by rewriting it in your notebook & filling in the blanks. “I use to think that inside the Earth _________________________, but now I know _________________________.”
How does Temperature affect the inside of the Earth? Image Credit:
How does heat affect the motion in a liquid? Testable Question How does heat affect the motion in a liquid?
Materials Pie Plate with hot water Cup with cold water Food Coloring Timer We will place a cup of cold water in a pie plate. We will add hot water to the pie plate. We will place food coloring in the cold water. The movement of the food dye will show us the movement of water as it is heated.
Transfer Pipette Purpose: measure and transfer small amounts of liquid
Practice using a Transfer pipette Take turns with your partner using the transfer pipette to transfer green water to the larger cup. Practice transferring different amounts using the markings on the pipette. Challenge: See who can transfer the smallest amount with the most accuracy.
Clean up Put some regular water, from the GIANT water bottle, in your large cup. Fill the cup less than half way. Swirl the cup to clean it Dump the water into the rectangle container on the table. Return the green water cup to the front counter Return the cups and pipettes to the basket and put the basket back on the table.