TPT Sustainer pHILOSOPHY The low maintenance relationship you’ve been searching for People become sustainers because they want to give and don’t want much in return Convenience, no hassle Should be low maintenance for you both KEEP IT SIMPLE, DON’T OVER-THINK IT
We’ve got sustainers – now what? Monitor the file Two buckets: Current sustainers (already on file and giving) New sustainers (those joining this month) Current sustainer bucket – how many paid last month, and how many paid this month? The difference – why did those people not pay? New sustainer bucket – how many pay over next 2-3 months v. those who don’t?
Why good CREDIT CARDS GO BAD The donor decided they hate you and don’t want to give after all (or they just changed their minds) The card is at its limit The card actually went bad – the number changed, it was invalidated, etc. Their card expired
when good credit cards go bad You look into the future and see expiration dates looming Manually adjust the end date – do not contact them! You remind them of your relationship, and now it’s not low maintenance They decide not to continue your relationship And THAT’S bad!!
stop gap You tried, you really did – and the card still went bad. NOW WHAT? CONTACT THEM Quickly, and spare no expense Create a 24 hour hotline to take their call (ACD does this for us) Dedicated place on website for them to update info Email Snail mail CALL – easiest way (use in-house telemarketing or pay someone for a couple hours to make the calls)
Convert them to eft Convert them to EFT Mention the EFT option often EFT Conversion Campaign We used challenge money from our Board to encourage people to convert from CC to EFT Mention the EFT option often Every communication they get from us offers 3 options: Increase their monthly gift Make a one-time additional gift Convert their credit card to EFT Magazine cover tip – for credit card sustainers, offered option to convert with easy response options Canvassing – eeeeeasy way to get someone on as EFT right from the start Pledge