Chapter 7 A More Perfect Union
New Government Republic – citizens rule through elected representatives Most Americans wanted a WEAK National government Only wanted to rely on central gov’t for war and foreign affairs
Articles of Confederation What powers did Congress have under the Articles of Confederation? What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
Articles of Confederation 1777 – Congress adopts Articles of Confederation Weak Central gov’t Gave Congress limited power Congress conducts foreign affairs, maintain armed forces, borrow money, issue currency Congress could NOT regulate trade, force citizens to join the army, or impose taxes No Chief Executive All business done through Congressional Committees ALL 13 states had to agree to any amendments – nearly impossible to correct problems
Western Settlers Ordinance of 1785 – set up the process to survey and sell lands north of Ohio River Northwest Ordinance 1787 – created NW territory, North of Ohio River and east of Mississippi River What was unique to the Northwest Ordinance? Bill of Rights – freedom of religion and trial by jury Slavery – first attempt to stop spread of slavery
Economic Problems and Foreign Relations How did the Articles of Confederation Contribute to financial struggles? Britain and Spain? Britain unwilling to leave Great Lakes Region Spain closed Mississippi River to American shipping How did the Articles of Confederation contribute problems with foreign countries?
Shay’s Rebellion Economic depression State officials took farmer’s land; jail Rebellion in Massachusetts – 1787 4 farmers killed Fear Should people be left to govern themselves?
The Constitutional Convention 1787 – Philadelphia, called by Hamilton 55 delegates to revise the Articles George Washington led the meetings ”Father of the Constitution” – James Madison Articles of Confederation
Two Plans Comparison Chart: p.195 Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Edmund Randolph Strong National Government William Paterson Limited National Government Comparison Chart: p.195
The Great Compromise and Three-Fifths Compromise Roger Sherman – Connecticut Senate and House Senate - equal representation (NJ Plan, smaller states) House – representation based on population (VA Plan, larger states) Three-Fifths Compromise North – more enslaved people in South giving those states higher population and bigger seat in Congress South – Larger population = higher taxes Every 5 enslaved persons counted as 3 in states population total
Debate and Adoption P. 197 Why are Bill of Rights important? 9 of 13 states for approval (ratify) of Constitution Federalism – sharing of power between state and federal gov’t Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists December 7, 1787 – Constitution adopted