Agenda- 8/22 Current Events Warm-up: Flag Mural (LS) Crash Course Government Video WS: Freedom of Religion (LS) Lecture: Freedom of Religion (RS) Project time HW: -Project due Tuesday -Unit 1 Test and Notebooks next Wednesday! GRAB A CHROMEBOOK AND WORKSHEET!!!
Warm-up: School Murals Case Situation: A high school has set a precedent of allowing student groups to paint murals on school walls. The Model United Nations Club wants to paint a mural about 1st Amendment rights, including a picture of a burning American flag to symbolize free expression. The school administration tells the club they can’t paint a mural that includes a burning flag. Question: If you were a judge, and this case appeared in your courtroom (with the students challenging the administration’s decision), what would be your ruling? Justify it using the Bill of Rights. When finished, come up, grab the actual article and compare your ruling to the actual ruling. Flag Burning clip LSU clip
Crash Course Government- Freedom of Religion
Unit 1 Lecture 7 Freedom of Religion -What are the limits and extent of freedom of religion? -What is the establishment clause? -What is the free exercise clause?
The 1st Amendment Freedom of Religion portion has two clauses: The Establishment Clause- establishes a wall of separation between church and state The Free Exercise Clause- the right to believe whatever you choose in matters of religion
1. The Establishment Clause- How separated are religion (church) and government (state)? No establishment of a national religion Religion and school Released time for religious activities is allowed Public schools may not recite prayers or even require silent moments for religion, but students may read the bible Student religious groups must be allowed Also cases on seasonal displays, chaplains, and the posting of the Ten Commandments in school and in public government
2. The Free Exercise Clause- What can and can’t you do? You can believe anything Religious action, however, can be limited if it breaks the law The Court has upheld: Laws requiring certain businesses to close on Sundays Laws requiring the Amish to pay taxes The Court has struck down: Laws that forced Amish children to attend school past the 8th grade Laws outlawing animal sacrifice as part of any church services