Quarter 4 Performance Report 2012/13 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Economic Development 11 June 2013
Introduction The Annual Performance Plan of the EDD reflects its strategic outcome-orientated goal of creating decent work and inclusive growth opportunities: by integrating its work around other outcomes (particularly on infrastructure) to ensure participatory, coherent and coordinated economic policy, planning and dialogue for the benefit for all South Africans. EDD has performed well against the predetermined fourth quarterly targets of the 2012/13 APP. The overall quarterly performance is summarised in the next slide.
Overall Fourth Quarter Performance for 2012/13 Total Planned Q4 Targets Total Q4 Targets Achieved Target met, exceeded (+), under-achieved (-) Programme 1 9 25 +16 Programme 2 10 20 +10 Programme 3 16 21 +5 Programme 4 11 19 +8 TOTAL PERFORMANCE LEVEL) 46 85 39
Quarter 4 Report – will be discussed in the following format: Programme 1 Performance Report Programme 1 Expenditure Report Programme 2 Performance Report Programme 2 Expenditure Report Programme 3 Performance Report Programme 3 Expenditure Report Programme 4 Performance Report Programme 4 Expenditure Report
+4 Programme 1 Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation Provide strategic support and administrative services to the Ministry Achieved Provide strategic support and administrative services to the Director General Number of management meetings 16 4 11 +7 More strategic meetings held to improve governance, review quarterly reports, performance information evidence files, and signing of accords. Provide operational and administrative support to EDD Audit reports submitted 6 1 +5 Number of new staff employed by EDD (net) 13 8 +4 Need for staff exceeded the planned new staff target Total staff employed 142 Total Staff 139 -3 The funded post establishment was 142 for the financial year, so following the appointments and terminations, there were still three funded vacancies as the Department had three staff appointed in addition to the establishment, due to unavailability of posts at the required levels. Of the appointments made, eight staff members assumed duties during April 2013. Projected expenditure (R thousand) Initial budget R672 732 Adjusted Budget R696518 R152 482 R178 457 -R25 975 Expenditure was exceeded because of additional new projects.
Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual PROGRAMME 2: ECONOMIC POLICY DEVELOPMENT Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation Co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the New Growth Path Regular survey of public sector (with DPME) 2 - 1 +1 A survey was conducted on employment in construction activities financed by the state Impact of state actions on employment assessed through modeling Additional work done on the impact of trade with Africa on employment (including a modeling exercise) RIA process reviewed to ensure alignment with NGP Workshops held on assessing employment impact of the state +2 A training workshop was held with Gauteng Provincial government on 12 February 2013 highlighting the impact of all government departments, provinces and agencies on employment. A similar workshop was held in the Western Cape, which also discussed the Socio-Economic Impact Assessment System Guidelines
Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Programme 2 Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation SA Development Index approved and then monitored 1 - +1 A pilot SA Development Index was approved and is now monitored in its test phase. Outcome 4 outcomes reviewed regularly 4 Annual in-depth analysis of trends in employment, inequality and growth Provided a detailed presentation to the Cabinet Lekgotla to evaluate progress on NGP targets with key action plans to improve outcomes achievement. EDD Conference held with high-level inputs This conference was held in Q1 Develop and implement inclusive growth strategies Sector methodologies developed and applied 2 Competition Act amended and regularly reviewed The competition Amendment Act was reviewed, so that S6 be brought into effect. Other policy interventions identified and appropriate amendments proposed 3 +2 Additional interventions were required by the Ministry based on developments in infrastructure, industrial development and industrial relations. Policy platforms
Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation Policy advice to support Cluster Impact of BBBEE on NGP targets analysed and modifications proposed as required 1 - +1 In addition to planned research, a submission was made to the Minister on the amendments to the BBBEE Codes Platforms on BBBEE and NGP 2 There were opportunities to advance the EDD goals with additional platforms held within budget. Ensure regular engagement on policy issues Gender strategy adopted and reviewed Youth employment strategy adopted and reviewed Strategy on micro enterprises, livelihoods and the social economy adopted and reviewed Economic Development Institute established Two high level sessions were held in the 2nd and 3rd Quarters towards the establishment of the Institute
PROGRAMME 3: ECONOMIC PLANNING AND COORDINATION Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation Develop and or review Infrastructure, Sector, Spatial and National Economic Plans Number of engagements with provincial and local govt 8 2 3 +1 Demand exceeded planned target. Number of sector and or infrastructure plans produced or reviewed per year 1 An implementation plan framework was developed for distressed mining communities (driven by EDD in conjunction with Presidency) Number of spatial and or infrastructure plans produced or reviewed per year 7 Promote Investment for Economic Development Number of strategic engagements with DFIs 6 The launch of sefa required additional engagements with DFIs. Promote Competitiveness and Trade for Decent Work Number of strategic engagements with ERBs Number of engagement forums to foster alignment of SOEs and PICC’s investment decisions with that of the state The pace of PICC work required additional engagements with public entities.
PROGRAMME 3: ECONOMIC PLANNING AND COORDINATION Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation Leverage financing and procurement processes (Rm/ number of intervention) Value of special financing facilitated for small businesses, targeted growth sectors and companies in distress [R billion] R5bn R1.25bn R4.49bn +R3.24bn The IDC expanded its lending and funding based on additional investment-ready projects in its pipeline. Sefa improved on the historical lending levels of its predecessors. Number of interventions promoting economic development through leveraging state expenditure and procurement 10 2 Grow the Green Economy Number of reports on the implementation of the Green Economy Strategy 1 Number of interventions to grow the green economy 3 4 +1 The growing commitment to the green economy enabled EDD to exceed this target
PROGRAMME 4: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND DIALOGUE Strategic Objective Performance indicator Target (2012/ 13) Target Q4 Actual Deviation from Planned to Actual Q4 Target 2012/13 Comment on deviation National Social Dialogue and Strategic Frameworks Number of social dialogue and capacity building engagements held 10 3 6 +3 Success with the Accords increased the demand for capacity building. Sectoral and Workplace Dialogue Number of economic development agreements (sectoral, workplace and national) facilitated with social partners per year 2 - 1 +1 More agreements were signed due to progress on the implementation of the Local procurement Accord Number of interventions to save or create new jobs 4 Opportunities to save jobs exceeded the original target. Number of reports on the implementation of the framework agreements and social pacts Capacity Building for Economic Development Number of Economic Advisory Panel meetings A Ministerial Economic Advisory Panel meeting was held in Q1 Number of knowledge networks Number of capacity building engagements (for organised labour and other social partners) Demand for capacity-building exceeded the original target. Productivity, Entrepreneurship and Innovation National/sectoral engagements on productivity 4 value chain competitiveness workshops were held Research reports on productivity Productivity Month - October
Q4 Financial Performance Expenditure Overview The information is based on March 2013 IYM reports or section 40(4)of PFMA reports Signed by the Accounting Officer and sent to National Treasury Total adjusted budget of R 696.5 million for 2012/13 Expenditure for the 4th quarter of 2012/13 is R 178.5 million or 26% of the adjusted appropriation of R 696.5 million Expenditure excluding transfers for the 4th quarter of 2012/13 is R51.3 million or 31% of the adjusted appropriation of R 166.9 million Commitments as at 31 March 2013 amounts to R 2.2 million
Financial Performance
Financial Performance Overview of Revenue Revenue collection for the 4th quarter of 2012/13 is R 111 million or 19% of adjusted budgeted revenue of R 580.4 million Main revenue generator is fines from penalties from Competition Commission and dividends from IDC
. Siyabonga