Get out your Unit 2 Organizers in preparation for the review game Essential Question: What were the key contributions & important historic events of ancient Greece & Rome? Warm-Up Question: Get out your Unit 2 Organizers in preparation for the review game Test tomorrow (Greece & Rome) Gateway Essay #1 on Wednesday AKS & Indicators for Unit 2: 32a - explain how geographic features and cultural diffusion affected the development of the Greek and Roman civilizations 32b - compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire 32c - trace the transitions in Classical Greece from Hellenic Greece to the conquest by Alexander the Great 32d - trace the development of Rome from Republic to Empire 32e - identify the ideas and impact of important individuals to include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; the diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle's pupil, Alexander the Great; and the impact of Julius and Augustus Caesar 32f - analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture to include government, law, gender, mathematics, and science 32g - describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world 32h - analyze the changes and continuities from origins to the fall of the Greek and Roman Classical Civilizations 32i - analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire
Quick Review of Unit 2
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome Pax Romana Era of decline
World History Unit 2 Review Groups will be presented a prompt and will list as many correct answers as possible within 1 minute Groups earn 1 point for each correct answer If any part of the response is incorrect, teams receive no points for that round The winning group earns 105 points, others earn 100, 95, 90, 85… AKS & Indicators for Unit 2: 32a - explain how geographic features and cultural diffusion affected the development of the Greek and Roman civilizations 32b - compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire 32c - trace the transitions in Classical Greece from Hellenic Greece to the conquest by Alexander the Great 32d - trace the development of Rome from Republic to Empire 32e - identify the ideas and impact of important individuals to include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; the diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle's pupil, Alexander the Great; and the impact of Julius and Augustus Caesar 32f - analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture to include government, law, gender, mathematics, and science 32g - describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world 32h - analyze the changes and continuities from origins to the fall of the Greek and Roman Classical Civilizations 32i - analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire
Identify 2 ways the geography influenced the development of Greece & 2 ways geography influenced Rome AKS & Indicators for Unit 2: 32a - explain how geographic features and cultural diffusion affected the development of the Greek and Roman civilizations 32b - compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire 32c - trace the transitions in Classical Greece from Hellenic Greece to the conquest by Alexander the Great 32d - trace the development of Rome from Republic to Empire 32e - identify the ideas and impact of important individuals to include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; the diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle's pupil, Alexander the Great; and the impact of Julius and Augustus Caesar 32f - analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture to include government, law, gender, mathematics, and science 32g - describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world 32h - analyze the changes and continuities from origins to the fall of the Greek and Roman Classical Civilizations 32i - analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire
Greece: Rome Mountains divided Greeks into independent city-states Surrounded by seas led to trade & cultural diffusion Rome Close to Greece; Borrowed ideas from the Greeks Access to sea led to trade & cultural diffusion ; Empire AKS & Indicators for Unit 2: 32a - explain how geographic features and cultural diffusion affected the development of the Greek and Roman civilizations 32b - compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire 32c - trace the transitions in Classical Greece from Hellenic Greece to the conquest by Alexander the Great 32d - trace the development of Rome from Republic to Empire 32e - identify the ideas and impact of important individuals to include Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; the diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle's pupil, Alexander the Great; and the impact of Julius and Augustus Caesar 32f - analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture to include government, law, gender, mathematics, and science 32g - describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world 32h - analyze the changes and continuities from origins to the fall of the Greek and Roman Classical Civilizations 32i - analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire
Prompt: Identify these terms #1 That is the definition of a “classical civilization”? #2 Name any 3 classical civilizations #3 What term is defined as the sharing of ideas among civilizations?
#1 A civilization that developed cultural achievements that are still used today #2 Greece Rome Han China Gupta India #3 Cultural diffusion
Prompt: Identify these ideas #1 Name 3 specific ways the Greeks influenced the Romans ? #2 What is a “polis”? #3 Name 2 differences between Athens & Sparta
#1 Language (Greek Latin); Same gods; Government (democracy republic); architecture (columns arches) #2 A polis is the Greek word for “city-state” #3 Athens democracy/Sparta oligarchy Athens cultural/Sparta military Athens /Sparta oligarchy
Prompt: Identify these achievements #1 Name as many Greek achievements as possible that we still use today (or influenced us today) One point per achievement listed
#1 Greek democracy Architecture (columns) Mythology (stories about the gods) Realistic sculpture Drama/Comedies/Theater Philosophy (from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle) Literature (epic stories like The Odyssey) Geometry (Euclid & Pythagoras) Astronomy (size of Earth & sun) Archimedes lever & water screw Medicine (Hippocratic Oath)
Prompt: Identify these wars #1 Who fought in the Persian Wars? _______ vs. _______ #2 Who fought in the Peloponnesian Wars? _______ vs. _______ #3 Who fought in the Punic Wars? _______ vs. _______ #4 Which above war, weakened the Greeks & allowed Phillip to conquer Greece?
#1 Persian: The Greeks vs. Persia #2 Peloponnesian: Athens vs. Sparta #3 Punic: Rome vs. Carthage #4 The Peloponnesian Wars weakened Greece
Prompt: Identify these ideas #1 Who was Alexander the Great’s tutor? #2 Name 3 groups Alexander conquered #3 What was Alexander’s greatest legacy? (hint: its not his empire) #4 Why was Alexandria, Egypt important?
#1 The Greek philosopher Aristotle #2 Repressed a revolt in Thebes (in Greece) Egypt Persia India #3 Hellenism (the spread of Greek culture to Egypt, Persia, India) #4 It was the center of Hellenistic culture; Had a museum & library that was home to Greek, Egyptian, Persian, Indian culture
Prompt: Identify these types of government #1 Gov’t, like in Athens, in which the citizens vote directly for laws #2 Gov’t, like in Rome, in which the citizens vote for politicians to make laws #3 Gov’t, like in Sparta, where a few people like a military council make decisions #4 Government, like Mesopotamia or China, where kings ruled? #5 Gov’t, like in Rome, where 1 emperor served as a supreme ruler #6 Which of these gov’ts does the U.S. have?
#1 Direct Democracy #2 Republic #3 Oligarchy #4 Monarchy #5 Empire #6 Like Rome, the U.S. has a republic
Prompt: Identify these terms #1 What was the name of the group of 300 politicians who ruled Rome during the Republic ? #2 What was the name of the written law code the Romans used? #3 What person was most responsible for the collapse of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire?
#1 The Senate #2 The Twelve Tables #3 Julius Caesar
Prompt: Identify these terms #1 Who was Rome’s first emperor? #2 What was the name of the 207 year era of peace and prosperity in Rome? #3 Name 2 reasons for the decline of Rome #4 How did Emperor Diocletian try to save the Roman Empire during the era of decline? #5 How did Emperor Constantine try to save the Roman Empire during the era of decline?
#1 Augustus (formerly known as Octavian) #2 Pax Romana #3 Economic problems; bought too much; decline in trade; Military problems; mercenary army; Army was more loyal to generals than to emperor; Weak emperors; Political problems; Empire was too large; #4 Divided the Roman Empire; Increased army; fixed prices; Persecuted Christians #5 Converted to Christianity to unify Romans; Moved capital from Rome to Constantinople
Prompt: Identify these terms #1 Name as many Roman achievements as possible that we still use today (or influenced us today) One point per achievement listed
#1 Republic form of government Architecture (Domes; Arches; Arenas) Christianity Law (Courts, juries, witnesses, lawyers) Road building Aqueducts Latin language (led to Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, & influenced English) Julian calendar
Prompt: Identify these religious ideas #1 Name 2 similarities between Judaism & Christianity #2 Name 1 difference between Judaism & Christianity #3 Who was most responsible for the spread of Christianity after Jesus’ death? #4 What is the name of the leader of the Christian church? #5 What is the Christian holy book?
#1 Both are monotheistic; Both believe in heaven/hell; Both use the Old Testament & Ten Commandments #2 Jews do not recognize Jesus as a Messiah; Christians use the Bible (New Testament), not just the Torah (Old Testament) #3 Paul #4 The Pope #5 The Bible