Kihyeon Cho Supercomputing Center KISTI


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Presentation transcript:

Kihyeon Cho Supercomputing Center KISTI YongPyong 2013 Winter Conference Feb. 24~28, YongPyong, Korea A research on the theory-experiment-simulation Probing the Standard Model Kihyeon Cho Supercomputing Center KISTI

Working with Soo-hyeon Nam JungHyun Kim Taegil Bae Huihyung Ryu

Contents Introduction of particle physics Theory-Experiment-Simulation Theory-Simulation Simulation-Experiment Experiment-Theory Results Summary

Particle Physics in 21st Century LHC, ILC, etc. Energy Frontier B- Factory New Particles, New Interactions, etc. New Physics CP Violation, Baryogenesis, Left-Right Model, etc. Lepton Physics Flavor Physics J-PARC, etc. Lepton mixing, Lepton number violation, etc.

 To probe the Standard Model Theory-Experiment-Simulation For particle Physics Theory Flavor Physics Phenomenological Model - Lattice QCD Experiment Simulation Cyber HEP Lab Geant4 -KISTI Supercomputer - CDF - Belle  To probe the Standard Model

Interconnection Network KISTI Supercomputer Tachyon(SUN) Phase 2 Manufacture SUN Blade 6048 Architecture Cluster Process model Intel (Nehalem) # of Nodes 3,200 nodes # of CPU cores 25,600 (8 per node) Rpeak (Tflops) 300 324 Total Memory 76TB Disk Storage 1.2PB Tape Storage 2PB Interconnection Network IB 4X QDR Sun Linux Cluster Geant4 ST Geant4 MPI(ParGeant4) Geant4 MT

Ex) A study of Higgs model 1. Theory-Simulation Theory model – Simulations Phenomenological model Lattice QCD Ex) A study of Higgs model using cyberinfrastructure @KISTI

Lattice QCD Date Parameters X iteration CPU used 2011.7 200 X 9 batch que 2012.4 600 X 9 4272 core 2012.8 800 X 9 4096 core BK=0.727±0.004(stat.)±0.038(sys.)  Consistent with SM within3σ

2. Simulation-Experiment Cyber HEP Laboratory - To study high energy physics anytime anywhere even if we are not on-site (accelerator laboratory) 1. Data production • CDF Remote Control Room @KISTI 2. Data processing • Pacific CAF(CDF Analysis Farm) ⇒ North America CAF @KISTI 3. Data Analysis Collaboration • EVO servers @KISTI 4. Belle II Data Handling System • Working Group Chair (K. Cho) Geant4 Simulation - Bench marking Test

CDF Remote Control Room Cyber HEP environment CDF Remote Control Room KISTI Remote Control Room CDF Operation Center 또한 세번째 상상 그 이상의 혁신적인 아이디어는 미국 페르미연구소 CDF 실험의 원격제어실을 만들어 국내 사용자에게 서비스하고 있다는 점입니다. 가속기가 없는 한국에서 가속기가 있는 미국 페르미연구소와 같은 연구환경을 구축하여, 국내 연구자가 페르미연구소를 방문하지 않고서도, 가속기 충돌 실험의 실시간 데이터 생산에 참여할 수 있다는 점입니다. 이 혁신적인 아이디어는 KBS등 언론에 14건 보도 되었습니다. We take shifts at KISTI even if we are not at Fermilab.

Theory-Experiment-Simulation Geant4 Simulation Theory-Experiment-Simulation To find Higgs particle New Physics? Theory (Higgs) Simu-lation (Geant4) Experi-ment (ATLAS, CMS) Geant4 Wednesday, Landau shows similar diagram. According to Tony Hey, the 21st century is for data centric science called e-Science to unify theory, experiment and computing. We apply this concept to collider physics. The goal is to probe SM and search for new physics. We focus on charm, bottom, top and Higgs.

Bench Marking Test (1/2) Content Parameter Thread Geant4-ST(Single Thread), PM(ParGeant4 MPI) The number of events 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000 PM # of cores 8, 16, 64, 128 Application CmsExp

Bench Marking Test (2/2)

3. Experiment-Theory ⇒ Feed-back between experiments (Belle & CDF) and theories inside KISTI 16

+ Left-Right Model X B B μ B X μ s c s c c s s c s s Mixing and CPV on Bs W,W’(φ,φ’) s, d b u,c,t s, b d u,c,t u,c,t W,W’(φ,φ’) W,W’(φ,φ’) s, d b s, d u,c,t b W,W’(φ,φ’) X B B μ B X μ CP Violation dimuon charge asymmetry due to B mixing

 Still uncertain beyond Standard Model or not Results Physics Experiment Theory Kaon Semi-leptonic Form Factor Belle Experiment Lattice QCD using staggered Fermion BK=0.727±0.004(stat.) ±0.038(sys.) Rare B0 decays B(B0→0) < 1.5 X10-7 at the 90% C.L. B(B0→0) < 3.3 X 10-7 Left-Right Models “Left-right mixing on leptonic and semileptonic b-> u decays” Mixing and CPV on Bs CDF Experiment βs within [-π/2,-1.51] U [-0.06,0.30] U [1.26,π/2] at the 68% C.L. ΔΓs = 0.068 ± 0.026 (stat)± 0.007 (syst)) ps-1 τs = 1.528 ± 0.019 (stat) ± 0.009 (syst) ps “Right-Handed Current Contributions in B → K π Decays” CP Violation dimuon charge asymmetry due to B mixing D0 experiment Left-Right models “CP violating dimuon charge asymmetry in general left-right models” Study of Higgs Models LHC experiment SU(4)(L) x U(1)(X) models with little Higgs  Still uncertain beyond Standard Model or not

Summary Output Flavor physics using the concepts of fusion research To study particle physics anytime and anywhere Fusion research of experiment–theory-simulation  Still uncertain beyond Standard Model or not Publication B physics Collider physics using e-Science paradigm of experiment-computing-theory Leading Belle II Data Handling Working Group which consists of more than 30 persons from 12 countries comment 21