Comic strip: Mis vacaciones ideales So what would YOU do for your ideal holiday? Si tuviera mucho dinero… = If I had lots of money… iría a… = I’d go to… (destination) iría en…. = I’d go in… (choose a month) iría con… = I’d go with…. viajaría en… = I’d travel by…. me alojaría en… = I’d stay in… comería = I would eat bebería = I would drink compraría = I would buy sería = it would be Use the writing frame to help you write about a trip.
Comic strip: Mis vacaciones ideales So what would YOU do for your ideal holiday? Si tuviera mucho dinero… = If I had lots of money… iría a… = I’d go to… (destination) iría en…. = I’d go in… (choose a month) iría con… = I’d go with…. viajaría en… = I’d travel by…. me alojaría en… = I’d stay in… comería = I would eat bebería = I would drink compraría = I would buy sería = it would be Use the writing frame to help you write about a trip.