COURSE EVALUATION RESULTS Online Learning to Promote Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned Mary Mauldin, EdD and Amy V. Blue, PhD Medical University of South Carolina BACKGROUND COURSE ACTIVITIES COURSE EVALUATION RESULTS Interprofessional education (IPE) is recognized as a means to improve health professions training.1,2 IPE occurs when “two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to improve collaboration and the quality of health care.”3 While health professions educators are focused on IPE for their students, other professions can benefit from an interprofessional learning approach to improve teamwork processes and collaborative practices. Online learning provides an effective venue for IPE as it offers flexibility for scheduling and location of learning, as well as the potential to personalize instruction to individual needs.4 We implemented a required IPE course for our health professions students using an online format. Introductory Session: Learning About Each Others Professions. Student Comments: Being able to do it online. Collaboration with other students. COURSE DESCRIPTION SUMMARY Course Goals: Provide an introductory IP learning experience for students to: apply basic teamwork skills in an IP learning environment define the roles of health professions other than their own in health care. Increase knowledge of: Health care system Patient safety error/reduction Cultural competency Ethics Social determinants of health/health disparities Evidence-based decision making Format: Small groups; 4 online modules, each with assignment and response to 2 peers; 4 face-to-face sessions (introductory, 2 content review/project work, project presentations); Interprofessional group project Project Work Example : Analysis of Fictional Sentinel Event Course learning IP and content goals were achieved. Students enjoy learning with students from other professions Students appreciate the flexibility of the online environment. Students want face to face meetings in addition to online work. Photos should be at least 300dpi, but not more than 5-12 mgs each. Your page is set to be enlarged 200% so do not change the page size to fit another poster size. Please call me and I will help you with a new page size if desired. Lisa 792-4724 Please note this is only a template for you to start with. You can change the font size, colors, column widths and the number of columns Figure 2. Insert your charts or graphs here. REFERENCES Institute of Medicine. Health professions education A bridge to quality. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2003. 2. Blue AV, Zoller J, Stratton TD, Elam CL, Gilbert J. Interprofessional education in US medical schools.J Interprof Care.2010 Mar;24(2):204-6. World Health Organization. Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. Geneva: WHO; Winter 2010. Casimiro L, MacDonald CJ, Thompson TL, Stodel EJ. Grounding theories of W(e)Learn: A framework for online interprofessional education. J Interprof Care 2009;23:390-400.