Dear author, please note that the short oral presentation is limited to 5 minutes and 4 slides as predefined: Title Objectives Methods Results (delete this notice after reading) Mechanical and thermal insulating properties of the lightweight MSWI concrete blocks Martin KEPPERT, Kirill Polozhiy University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of Czech Technical University in Prague
Objectives utilization of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration bottom ash (BA) for production of light-weight concrete MSW incineration – ca. 50 % of MSW in Europe is incinerated bottom ash – wide range of particles size, separation of Fe, Al, glass – the rest can be used as aggregates sieve size (mm)
Methods preparation of „no-fines“ concrete with various combinations of BA and natural aggregates 0-1 mm 2-4 mm 4-8 mm 8-16 mm CEM II 32,5 Bottom ash Natural agg. Water 283.5 - 420 1313 105 1 1221 155 2 365 175 3 140 4 70 170 5 200 6 230 7
Results relationship between bulk desnity and compressive strength and thermal conductivity