Marat Rudakov OSH Project Coordinator


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Presentation transcript:

Marat Rudakov OSH Project Coordinator Northern Dimension Partnership on Public Health and Social Well-being Cluster of the ILO program "Poverty Reduction, Employment Generation and Local Economic Development in the North West Federal Okrug of the Russian Federation" ILO regional OSH Profiles: Case - Northwest Russia Marat Rudakov OSH Project Coordinator

P r o j e c t I L O O S H Funded by: The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland Under the auspices of: Northern Dimension Partnership on Public Health and Social Well-being P r o j e c t I L O O S H Implemented by: ILO Subregional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Moscow) Strategy: Integration and future development of long term cooperation between the ILO Moscow office and EU and Finish partners in the sphere of OSH

Partners and stakeholders INTERNATIONAL: WHO, EU OSH Agency, NDPHS, BSN, NIVA FINNISH: Ministries, Trade Unions, FIOH RUSSIAN: Federal and local tripartite partners, OSH training centres, universities, enterprises

NW Russia Regions covered with the Project activities (2009) The Republic of Karelia The Arkhangelsk region The Murmansk region The Leningrad region The city of St.-Petersburg The Vologda region

ILO Convention 187/2006, ILO Recommendation 197/2006 National OSH policy National system for OSH National OSH Profile National programme on OSH OSH Culture

National OSH Profiles of CIS Countries

The main directions of practical activities in the Regions Regional level Enterprise level Compiling regional OSH Profiles Assistance in Social Partnership development Assistance in creation of regional OSH Programmes and Action Plans for OSH Planning and implementation of ILO-OSH-2001 (GOST 12.0.230-2007) Joint activities with ‘pilot’ enterprises Practical trainings on RA Introduction of ILO’s training modules on RA, OSH Economy, OSH SP Calculations of real costs of occupational accidents Promotion of safety culture


Regional OSH Profiles

Specific features of regional OSH Profiles Profile contains wide spectrum of data on labour issues in a region (OSH, occupation, social partnership, unemployment etc) Profile compiled is to be approved by a regional tripartite commission Profile is used as a basis for preparation of a regional programme on OSH

Next steps Compiling regional OSH Profiles of the Republic of Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region (until the end of 2009) Regional Programmes on OSH based on OSH Profiles compiled (5 NW Regions) Updating of ‘Health profiles’ of RF cities participating in WHO project ‘Healthy city’ (Cherepovets)

Health Profiles

Next steps Compiling regional OSH Profiles of the Republic of Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region (until the end of 2009) Regional Programmes on OSH based on OSH Profiles compiled (5 NW Regions) Updating of ‘Health profiles’ of RF cities participating in WHO project ‘Healthy city’ (Cherepovets) Updating of National OSH Report of the RF

National OSH Report (2008) ‘ILO materials and data were used when preparing the National OSH Report of the RF as of 2008’ ‘The Republic of Karelia undertakes special measures on OSH in accordance to the ILO NW OSH Project’

ILO Convention 187/2006, ILO Recommendation 197/2006 National OSH policy National system for OSH National OSH Profile National programme on OSH OSH Culture

Improved occupational safety Thank you! Improved occupational safety and health (OSH) system in Northwest Russia