A holistic overview of charging infrastructure for Electric Vehicles Hiten Parmar Director: uYilo eMobility Programme www.uYilo.org.za
Transitions to eMobility in our every day lives
Infrastructure for Electric Vehicle charging Source: ABB
Electric Vehicle Efficiencies in relation to infrastructure Source: SANEDI
eMobility Infrastructure Landscape Source: Efacec
eMobility Infrastructure - Charging options Mobile: Charge time 6 - 8 hours Residential: Charge time 6 - 8 hours Public: Charge time 1 - 6 hours Public: Fast Charging 15 - 30 minutes
eMobility Infrastructure - Technologies Stationary wireless charging Dynamic wireless charging Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer (DWPT) systems on the Strategic Road Network (SRN)
eMobility Infrastructure - Public Transport Port city of Qingdao (China) battery units of over 40 buses are replaced two or three times each day
eMobility Infrastructure Technology Roadmap Source: CCS
eMobility Infrastructure – Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X)
Vehicle-to-Home (V2H) Mobile energy source to provide grid independency within energy efficient homes Source: Nissan
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Source: Nissan
Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Operating Models
Charge Point Operator
Vehicle Connected Services – User-centric Source: Frost & Sullivan
Electric Vehicle Battery Solutions Reuse Using EV battery packs for grid storage application Refabricate Involves dismantling the EV battery packs, assessing each cell, then remanufacturing a reconditioned battery pack Recycling Actual recycling of cell chemistry Source: Charged EV Source: Nissan
Electric Vehicle Industry Association Guideline adopted and promoted for EV charging plugs and standards for South Africa
Global Statistics Source: IEA Source: IEA Charging habits for a sample of Norwegian electric car users, 2016 Source: IEA Key points: electric car owners charge their vehicles most frequently at home or at work The third most frequent charging option is publicly accessible slow charging Fast charging is not frequently used
Global Statistics Source: IEA The global electric car stock surpassed 2 million vehicles in 2016 after crossing the 1 million threshold in 2015 29% market share by Norway has incontestably achieved the most successful deployment China was by far the largest electric car market, accounting for more than 40% of electric cars sold worldwide India - Every car sold in India from 2030 will be electric France and Britain - No more petrol or diesel cars to be sold in the country by 2040
Global Projections Source: FT Diesel car sales are declining amid government clampdowns All Volvo cars to be electric or hybrid from 2019 Jaguar Land Rover commits to all vehicles being electric or hybrid from 2020
South African landscape of EV Infrastructure Vehicles Sales: National Sales (2013 - July 2017) Hybrid 2500 EV (Nissan and BMW) 355 Infrastructure: 95 public charging stations (Oct 2016) 12 national cities 77 standard chargers (green) 18 fast chargers (blue)
uYilo e-Mobility Technology Innovation Programme Integrate and accelerate development and commercialisation of the various technology areas Source: P3 Engineering (Pty) Ltd
uYilo Facilities and Services National Accredited Battery Testing Laboratory Electric Vehicle Systems Laboratory Live Testing Environment - Research, Testing, Development and Demonstration Certified Personnel System Compliance
uYilo Facilities and Services Kick Start Fund Agile mechanism to fund applied research and development that will lead to creation of products and services Foundation of Tier1/2 component suppliers towards local eMobility industry Aligned to APDP of the dti - component localisation incentive for future OEMs
Thank You. Re a leboga. Siyathokoza. Enkosi Siyabonga. Re a leboha Thank You * Re a leboga * Siyathokoza * Enkosi Siyabonga * Re a leboha * Ro livhuha * Ha Khensa * Dankie www.uYilo.org.za