4. 7th form – teacher Alina Barcan - Geography Topic “Europe and Us” 13 students, of which 4 with learning problems (lack of long time concentration, low learning potential, hyperactive students)
The teacher took part at the TLT event in Poland till March 2017. Techinques used during the class, seen / heard about from the TLT events: - Memory game – Italy, Poland, Portugal - Games which involve attention, creativity Problem solving – Poland Communication group activities - Italy
5. 8th form – teacher Diana Chitu - English Topic “UK” 13 students, of which 4 students with learning problems - 1 student with language problems - 3 students with slow peace of learning - 1 student with mood deficit
During this lesson the teacher organised some activities adapted after models from the courses she had attended. 1. Draw what you imagine starting from some given patterns (Poland) – to stir the students’ interest, rise their attention and use their creativity 2. Solve the puzzle (adapted after Memory game – Poland, and Portugal) – to draw the students’ attention and to introduce them in the atmosphere of the lesson 3. Drilling (Italy) – correct pronunciation of some sounds – tree / three / free 4. Use of the desk blotter to help the students know the meaning of some new words (France) 5. Treasure hunt (France)
One must add some of the conclusions from the feed back offered by the participant students and the teachers who implemented or assisted the demonstrative inclusive lessons.
From the students’ feed back: - they stated that the lessons were a bit different from the ordinary praxis and they brought new, interesting and involving activities; - they liked the activities and they are interested in working this way; - they liked to work in teams and helping each others; - they felt relaxed during work; - they appreciated the way the teacher helped them whenever necessary; - they liked the fact that they had to learn by playing, using their imagination and creativity, communicating
From the teachers’ observation grids: - the lessons contained involving activities for all the students; - they could notice inclusive elements during the lessons and the fact the inclusive students worked according to their possibilities, being encouraged and helped both by the teacher and the students; - they noticed techniques learnt during the TLT events applied in practice during the demonstrative classes; - the lessons attracted the student’ attention;
An inclusive approach in schools asks for important changes at organisative and managerial level. The general objectives that the partner teams proposed at the beginning and accomplished during the implementation of the project proved the fact that we have succeded in building a new vision and in daring to change something to help the students in need.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.