FLEXIBILITY The absolute range of movement in a joint or series of joints, and length in muscles that cross the joints to induce a bending movement or motion.
Athletes that use flexibility Flexibility is hugely implemented for many gymnasts, acrobatics, swimmers, golfers, cricket players, but most athletes would benefit from flexibility.
Advantages and Disadvantages ADVANTAGES: - prevents injuries and muscle soreness - improves the body’s mechanical efficiency - increasing the ability of muscles to stretch - improving coordination among muscle groups - improving the relaxation of muscles - reducing the tightening of muscle after performance - counteracting the restricting effects of muscle growth resulting from resistance training
DISADVANTAGES: There is no disadvantage to stretching its to how you stretch is which makes the disadvantage. Static: - Doesn’t increase temp or blood flow in muscle tissue - Doesn’t increase flexibility through a full range - Takes time Dynamic: - Produces smaller overall increase in muscle length Ballistic: - Risk of injury - Extensive use decreases flexibility PNF: - Need a partner or assistance
How does this training affect performance Flexibility is highly related to the performance of an athlete. When one muscle is weak another muscle has to do all the work making them easily fatigued and weak. Not being flexible can lead to a decrease in speed, strength and power & commonly leads to injuries. Flexibility will improve or maintain the range of motion & strength of muscles.