Language Arts Assessment Update San Diego County Language Arts Advisory October 27, 2011
California Standards Tests in ELA Grades 2-11 Combined from 2007 to 2011
California Standards Tests in ELA Grades 2-11 Combined from 2007 to 2011
California Standards Tests in ELA Grades 2-11 by Racial/Ethnic Group in 2011
2011 STAR Tests Taken by Students with Disabilities San Diego County California Grade CST CMA 3 55% 45% 61% 39% 4 44% 56% 49% 51% 5 41% 59% 46% 54% 6 7 47% 53% 8 9 64% 36% 63% 37% 10 69% 31% 11 72% 28% 75% 25%
California High School Exit Exam - ELA Grade 10 First-time Test Takers +0%
CST & CAHSEE Content Clusters Reporting clusters summarize results at the strand level Tests are equated from year-to-year at the overall test level but not at the cluster level Cannot compare the actual percent correct from year-to-year since the items may vary in difficulty Can compare local student results to the performance of students statewide Best comparison is to the average percentage of items answered correctly by students statewide that scored at the lowest scale score to be proficient on the CST– “minimally proficient students”
CST English Language Arts Test Grade 3 Cluster Analysis 2009 2010 2011 Cluster Average % Correct “Gap” to Min. Prof. Word Analysis & Vocab Dev 73% -5 75% Reading Comprehension 65% -3 72% 70% Literary Resp. & Analysis -6 79% -7 -4 Written Conventions 69% 63% 64% Writing Strategies 67% 61%
CST English Language Arts Test Grade 7 Cluster Analysis 2009 2010 2011 Cluster Average % Correct “Gap” to Min. Prof. Word Analysis & Vocab Dev 70% +2 75% Reading Comprehension 73% 74% +3 Literary Resp. & Analysis 64% -1 68% +1 72% Written Conventions 67% Writing Strategies 60% +4 +6 62% +8
CST English Language Arts Test Grade 10 Cluster Analysis 2009 2010 2011 Cluster Average % Correct “Gap” to Min. Prof. Word Analysis & Vocab Dev 72% -7 74% -6 68% -2 Reading Comprehension 67% 69% 71% -5 Literary Resp. & Analysis 61% -4 62% 64% Written Conventions Writing Strategies 63% 66% -3
CST ELA Writing Test Grades 4 and 7 Year 2 4 6 8 2009 1% 28% 50% 18% 2010 No Grade 4 Writing Test 2011 5% 49% 17% Grade 7 Year 2 4 6 8 2009 6% 42% 41% 10% 2010 2% 16% 61% 21% 2011 1% 9% 49%
CAHSEE ELA Writing Test Grade 10 Census Administration Year Average Score March 2009 2.5 March 2010 March 2011 2.4
CST & CAHSEE ELA Results: Reflection & Table Talk What trends do you notice in the data? Is there anything unexpected or surprising in the ELA results? Where do you see areas for celebration? What do you see as areas of challenge for language arts teaching and learning in the county?
Transitioning to the Common Core Implementation Assessment Professional Learning Curriculum & Instructional Materials
Transitioning to the Common Core: Where are you now? Awareness Building readiness Transition Moving to the new standards Implementation Making meaning Transform ation Changing teaching & learning
Assessment: SBAC SMARTER-Balanced Assessment Consortium See this as an opportunity for “assessment do-over” Currently includes 29 states: 21 governing, 8 advisory Represent 48% of K-12 students in US Washington State is fiscal agent WestEd is project manager Materials and Resources on SBAC website
Common Core Assessment Consortia Requirements Create more rigorous tests measuring student progress toward “college and career readiness” Have common, comparable scores across member states and across consortia Provide achievement and growth information to help make better educational decisions and professional development opportunities Assess all students except those with “significant cognitive disabilities” Administer assessments online, with timely results Use multiple measures
Assessment: SBAC K-12 Common Core State Standards All Students Leaving High School College & Career-Ready Summative Assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Interim Assessments Flexible, open, used for actionable feedback Formative Assessment Tools & Processes Teacher resources to improve instruction
Assessment: SBAC Summative Assessments Benchmarked to college and career readiness Grades 3-8 and Grade 11 Computer adaptive Administered during last 12 weeks of year Support accountability AND measure growth Vertically scaled Multiple item types Selected response Short and extended constructed response Technology enhanced Performance tasks
Assessment: SBAC Interim Assessments (Optional) Comprehensive and content-cluster assessments Non-secure and not used for accountability Based on learning progressions Available for administration throughout the year Computer adaptive Same item types as summative assessments Scored on same scale as summative assessments
Assessment: SBAC Formative Tools & Processes (Optional) Resources for improving instruction and learning Build teacher assessment literacy Web-based Exemplar modules
Assessment: SBAC Computer Adaptive Technology Turnaround in weeks compared to months Faster Results Fewer questions compared to fixed form tests Shorter Test Length Provides accurate measurements of student growth over time Increased Precision Item difficulty based on student responses Tailored to Student Ability Larger item banks mean that not all students receive the same questions Greater Security GMAT, GRE, COMPASS (ACT), MAP Mature Technology
Assessment: SBAC Timeline 2011-2012 Work Groups established Content, item, test specifications IT Readiness Survey 2012-2013 Determine ELL & SWD definitions Item writing for pilot tests Pilot summative & interim assessments 2013-2014 Summative assessment field testing Preliminary achievement standards 2014-2015 Summative assessment operational Final achievement standards
Assessment: CA work with SBAC Opportunities for Teacher Involvement Content specifications review Writing and reviewing test items and tasks Range-finding and score validation Scoring performance tasks Collaborating on design of score reports and web tools
Assessment: Next Steps for California Current STAR Grades 2-11 ELA Math Grades 5, 8, HS Science Grades 8, HS History-Social Science SBAC Grades 3-8 and 11 ELA Math
Assessment: Next Steps for California STAR is legislatively mandated AB 250 extended sunset to 2014 AB 250 requires State Superintendent to report on STAR reauthorization and transition to “next generation” assessment system by Nov 2012 CAHSEE is authorized under separate legislation and has no sunset date
Assessment: Next Steps for California Considerations for STAR Reauthorization Will ELA & Math be tested in more grades than SBAC? Will the additional 15% that CA added to the CCSS be assessed? If so, how? What is the future of the grade 4 & 7 writing tests? Will CA continue end-of-course assessments in mathematics, science, history-social science? If so, will they be fixed form/paper-pencil or computer-based? What will happen with the EAP? Will schools have to administer STAR tests if they participation in SBAC pilot or field testing?
Transitioning to the Common Core: Reflection & Table Talk Consider the area of Assessment, both SBAC and STAR Reauthorization Where is your district now (awareness, transition, implementation, transformation)? What resources could CDE and/or SDCOE provide to help you move to the next level? What might be your next district steps? What issues should the state consider in the reauthorization of STAR?
SDCOE Assessment Unit Sally Bennett-Schmidt, Assessment Director (858) 292-3688 Shannon Coulter, Assessment Coordinator (858) 292-3593 Karla Groth, EL/Assessment Coordinator (858) 569-3104