It’s time to take it to the next level! Marketing Launch 2017 It’s time to take it to the next level!
*Me *GDG gives *More referral talk *More giveaways Objectives for 2017
Me *Marketing Director *Do I have a degree, No. *“I have always had the best interest of our practice & team at heart.” *Since beginning my role as PA I’ve been involved with marketing. *“I promise to always put the practice first, continue to learn about marketing and embrace all advice and criticism.” *“As I continue to grow into this new role, I thank you all for your patience.” *I will continue in my role as Dr. Jeff’s personal assistant, and will manage my new role of Marketing Director with the help of a Marketing Assistant, Sara! *Thank you, Sara!
How much did we give back in 2016? Did you know that Dr. Jeff has a goal each year to give back $50,000 to the community? $30,000 for Dentistry from the Heart $22,000 we gave away to basically any organization that asked in Berks county $52,000!!!!!!!!! Churches, mission trips, YMCA’s, Bridge of Hope, school sport organizations, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, American Cancer Society, Scholarships, schools, Berks Youth Chorus, Reading Symphony Orchestra, No Roof Left Behind, Opportunity House, BCTV, Guts & Glory, BodyZone, patients…
Why is marketing so important? Marketing is the lifeline of our practice, without it no new patients, without new patients we don’t need more team members or another awesome office just like this one. It also allows us to continue to do fun things as a team because we have the security that the office is doing well. If the office grows, we grow! That’s why we all need to do our part. I need to get our message and brand everywhere and once the patients call and come in the door we all need to keep the promise and wow each of them so that they stay, pay and refer!
Marketing Touches *How the phone is answered *How patients are greeted *How often assistants check in with patients to see if they are comfortable during procedures *What assistants say to patients every time the dentist leaves the room *The way that hygienists relate to and educate patients *How the front desk interact with patients during check in and check out *How new patients are treated during the tour and during their first visit with the dental team All of these areas I will work closely with the other team leaders to ensure we are doing the best that we can, following processes or creating new processes that ensure the results that we want.
Why is the way we treat New Patients so important? *Each NP is a gift to our practice. *Many practices simply bring in NPs, have them fill out forms, and move them through the process. *It is essential that a NP orientation take place prior to the patient ever meeting a clinical team member or the doctor. *The orientation sets the stage for developing a quality relationship with the practice, includes a warm welcome, hand shake, eye contact, smiles, a gift and a tour. *The NP orientation creates value & confidence about the practice in the mind of the patient. Both are essential to ultimate case acceptance. *These first steps help achieve a 90% case-acceptance target, which leads to satisfied patients who refer others. REFERRALS, REFERRALS, REFERRALS!!!
Why is asking for referrals so important? *Costs nothing. *A new patient who finds you because they were recommended by a friend or family member will have a higher initial level of trust, then someone who just stumbled upon your office. *If you have a system in place to help existing patients get you more patients, your office can grow tremendously!
How to ask for a referral Demonstration Time!!! $ Hints *Ask patients that like us *Wait for a compliment *At check out they are smiling …Your office is so beautiful …My teeth have never felt so clean …That didn’t even hurt …I’ve never wanted to smile this much “If you have any friends or family members who would appreciate the same warm experience, please recommend them to us. We would love to fill our practice with patients just like you.”
Internal Patient Referral Contest *Back to quarterly *Will be awarded to the person who refers the most new patients *First quarter prize – It’s a new year, new you package *Charge 2 fitbit, fruit infuser water bottle, fitness and nutrition journal, $100 gift card to Dicks Sporting Goods and a foam roller! *We will still be giving a car wash out each time a current patient refers a new patient
Patient of the Month Thank you everyone who continues to write down names for suggestions Patients are extremely shocked when we present them with the award What have we given so far? Beautiful flower arrangements, cupcakes, lunch & movie tickets, gift card for dinner & movie tickets!
Discussion Time Questions or Comments welcomed