Integrated Performance Report 26 October 2017 Caroline Shaw Chief Operating Officer
Strong performance
Standards not consistently achieving
Areas requiring improvement
Cancer 62 day standard (1/4) Aug - 84.3% adjusted (1 breach above target) - 79.8% unadjusted (7.5 breaches above target)
Cancer 62 day standard (2/4) Backlog targets in place across all tumour sites 104 day breaches at an all time low
Cancer 62 day standard (3/4) August 2017 adjusted: 22.5 breaches out of 143.5 treatments (84.3%) Table shows breach tolerance at tumour site level *to nearest 0.5 breach Breaches Treatments Adjusted Performance Breaches above 85%* Lung 7 25 72% 3.5 Urology 6 28.5 78.9% 2 Head & Neck 4 12 66.7% 2.5 Lower Gastrointestinal 1.5 14.5 89.7% Upper Gastrointestinal 1 13.5 92.6% Gynaecology 8.5 88.2% Breast 96% Other 0% Sarcoma 3 100% Skin Haematology 9 Total 22.5 143.5 84.3%
Cancer 62 day standard (4/4) Key actions Ambulatory pathway for Lung biopsies (Oct) FIT (faecal immunochemical tests) roll-out in Lower GI (end of Oct) One stop service in Head & Neck (Nov) Additional all day theatre list in Urology (Nov) Prostate slots returned from Treatment Centre (will reduce late tertiaries) Monthly provider meetings focussing on timely tertiary referrals & weekly virtual PTLs (Oct)
Emergency access within 4 hours (1/2) Sept 82.7% Sept adjusted performance with Urgent Care Centre 86%
Emergency access within 4 hours (2/2) Key actions Combined performance with Urgent Care Centre (Nov) Working practices in ED (Nov/Dec) Full Capacity Protocol (Oct) Discharge to Assess (Oct onwards) Weekly A&E Delivery Boards (Oct) Reconfigure assessment areas (Dec)
Winter readiness Actions Flu jab campaign (in place) Divisional Christmas & New Year plans (Nov) Additional respiratory beds (Dec) Clinically-led escalation plans
Key messages Strong performance in friends and family, diagnostic waits, referral to treatment and key patient safety and experience indicators We continue to focus considerable effort on delivering and sustaining required performance for the cancer 62 day and the emergency access standards Preparations for winter advancing well