Indira Kranthi Patham Education for All – Enabling and Empowering Communities 1
“There is no literate population that is poor; no illiterate population that is other than poor.” - John Galbraith 3
The Goal: Alleviation of Rural Poverty through Women Empowerment Moving from Livelihoods, Food Security, Marketing, Dairy, Health and Nutrition etc., the rural women are now looking for quality Education for their children, which is the surest way out of poverty. 4 The Mission and Role of Education sector of IKP
“An entire generation of children; free from the burden of poverty; born, educated (elementary through secondary, higher secondary, higher education) and employed gainfully is the vision of the education sector within IKP” 5 Vision of IKP: Poverty – Proofing the Next Generation
6 SERP Interventions
S OCIAL I NITIATIVES OF SERP SERP Health and Nutrition Education Institutio nal Building NPM Food Security Bank Linkage 7
H ARNESSING W OMEN G ROUPS FOR Q UALITY E DUCATION Community Owned H&N Centre Community Owned ECE Centre Quality Primary and Secondary Education Corporate Education at +2 level Professional Education (Interest free loans) 8
1. Community managed ECE centres 185 ECE centres are functioning in 3 districts (Adilabad, Visakapatnam, Warangal) in the state. It is planned to start nearly 200 new centres in New centres to be opened in these 3 districts and 5 other districts (Srikakulam, Vizianagaram, East Godavari, Khammam, Ranga Reddy) Sodhana and Andhra Mahila Sabha have established state level resource centres. Regional Resource centres are being established in the districts. 9
Selection of Area Mandal: Mandals where Health and Nutrition centres are running Mandals where Institution Building is strong. Mandals with higher proportion of SC/ST population/PoP. Village: Villages having higher number of children between the ages of 2 – 5 belonging to the Poorest of Poor (POP) families 10
Community Ownership Micro credit plan is prepared by MMS. The MMS collects monthly fee from the community from the first year itself. The money collected from the community is used to create a corpus fund. This fund will be used to help run the centres after SERP stops funding. 11
Public Report The teacher presents a Public Report to the parents and the village community once every month. Children of the school demonstrate and exhibit their learning attained during the preceding month during this presentation. This kind of reporting strengthens the accountability process and also fosters closer association with the community. 12
ECE Centres List of centres Existing Centres185 New Centres260 Total Centres445 13
H ARNESSING W OMEN G ROUPS FOR Q UALITY E DUCATION Professional Education (interest free loans) Corporate Education at +2 leve l Quality primary and secondary education Community Owned ECE Centre Community Owned H&N Centre 14
Safeguarding Child Rights and Enhancing Quality of Education - A Pilot in three Tribal mandals in Khammam District 15
Objectives Advocating child rights through community participation – through women groups, gram panchayats, teachers and youth. Improvement in quality of education at schools through community participation through women groups, gram panchayats, teachers and youth. 16
Partners SERP MVF MMS 17
H ARNESSING W OMEN G ROUPS FOR ELIMINATION OF C HILD L ABOUR Child Labour RBC Mainstream School Vocational Education Jobs 18
Approach Advocating child rights through community participation: Train the VO members and the Gram Panchayat members to vouch for children ’ s rights. Conduct rallies, meetings and awareness drives for creating awareness about child rights and education in the community. Withdraw children from work and mainstream them into full time, formal day schools. Form community support structures like ‘ Child Rights Protection Forums ’ and youth groups to constantly monitor the processes of protecting the rights of children. 19
Approach contd … Improvement in quality of education at schools through community participation and monitoring: Strengthen the capacities of VO members and Gram Panchayats to monitor the quality of education in schools. Facilitate proper functioning of school and to improve the quality of education in the local government schools and make the schools proper learning centres. Facilitate institutional planning in schools by making an assessment of the need gap in the schools. Ensure increased participation of the community, Gram Panchayats, women groups and teachers in improving the overall functioning in the schools. Observing and documenting best practices to be followed in the schools to make them better learning centres. 20
Activities Orienting the community members on child rights. Exposure visit to Nalgonda where MVF is working with the local bodies to build awareness on child labour elimination and child right protection. Orientation of youth on child labour elimination and child right protection. 111 youth were engaged as full time mobilisers and organisers. They undertook Baseline survey in 206 habitations for 15 days in august Number of out of school children identified in the survey: Chintoor – 1797 (11042) VR Puram – 614 (4953) Kunavaram – 656 (4946) 118 rallies were conducted in 85 villages during June – July. Participated in school enrollment drive with the help of women groups and PRI members. 21
Activities 128 education sub committees were formed with 5 VO members each to frequently visit the schools and monitor their functioning. 218 sub committee members and PRI members were taken on exposure visit to MVF field intervention in Nalgonda district. Village level meetings were held before the reopening of schools in June, Staff members and the VO members cleaned the premises of all schools before reopening of the school and tied banners at the entrance welcoming parents. Welcomed teachers in traditional fashion in 22, 29 and 30 schools of Chintur, Kunavaram and VR Puram mandals respectively. Meetings at school level with Parents and teachers. MMS and VO members PRI members and local youth 22
Activities Contd … Several activities like cultural performances, rallies, slogan writing, sports competitions etc were conducted to campaign against child labour. Two RBCs were set up for boys and girls in Rekhapally and Chintoor during October, A third RBC was opened in VR Puram in February, MEOs, MLOs, MMS team leaders, MRPs, VO leaders and PRI members addressed parents and youth on importance and their role in bringing children to school. Mana Pillalu Mana Badi in Kunavaram and Maa Naate Maa Badi in other 2 mandals. 23
No. of students mainstreamed MandalBoysGirls Chintoor VR Puram6252 Kunavaram8165 Total MandalBoysGirls Chintoor9771 VR Puram2238 Kunavaram5828 Total Enrolled in Schools Enrolled in RBCs
S ALIENT F EATURES Involvement of Gram Panchayats, Women Groups, Youth and teachers in the project. Sense of ownership of the school, cultivated amongst the village community. Continuous monitoring of the functioning of the school. Effective monitoring of the students enrolled in the schools by the community to ensure that they do not drop out again. 25
Case Studies 26
Other Education Interventions InterventionPlacePartner Accreditation of existing schools Warangal district (Pilot) CfBT Mainstreaming Tribal Dropouts (Above 15 years of age) through RBCs A mandal each in Adilabad, Warangal and Khammam districts Koyatur Bhata Corporate Education for rural poor at +2 level 23 Districts 27
Proposed Model Collaboration between SSA, SERP, MVF and MMS. Convergence with SSA (Reference: Meeting convened by Principal Secretary, Education SSA on ) Initiate intervention in 30 low female literacy mandals in the state during Expected Outcomes: 90% of total ‘out of school children’ would be withdrawn and sent to school over a period of three years 50% of the Gram Panchayats and the Vos would be equipped to follow up the child rights issues. 100% registration and certification of births and marriages in the villages. Ensure 90% retention of children in 50% of the total habitations. Children passing out of class X will be mapped out and successfully followed up to pursue higher education 28
Budget Total budget for 3 years: Crores Detailed budget.xls Project YearCost per Mandal Total cost in the year 1 st Year 21,20, Crores 2 nd Year 23,32, Crores 3 rd Year 25,65, Crores 29
T HANK YOU !!! 30