MEMORY VERSE “So Saul died, and his three sons, and his armorbearer, and all his men, that same day together” (1 Samuel 31:6)
An Awful End Although Saul started his journey well, he did not end it well. What a lesson! LESSONS TO NOTE He despised and rejected God’s command to completely destroy the Amalekites ( Partial obedience = Disobedience) He refused to repent and seek forgiveness when he was corrected. ( Delayed judgement does not = forgiveness/forgetfulness) He repeatedly disobeyed and became self-willed and wicked He fought against God’s will to make David king He sought help from a witch
WARNING Saul had been warned by prophet Samuel but he still refused to repent His lack of repentance led to his dead and three of his sons Although God is gracious and merciful, He still judges Repent and beg God for forgiveness so you do not perish
1. TRAGIC DEATH OF SAUL Battle Field 1 Sam 31:1-7,14:25; 15:16-23,35 There was a war between the children of Israel and Philistine Saul had sent away David who could have been of help to him as a result of his jealousy The battle was fierce, many Israelite were killed and the others fled ( Sin, sin, sin!) Saul got wounded in the battle field and later died from a self inflicted wound This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
CONT’D Death Repentance Death is a certainty for all It is necessary to repent of all sins before death comes No one knows when death will come for them. Repent today and believe in the Lord Jesus before it is too late
2. THE COURAGE OF THE MEN OF JABESH-GILEAD 1 Sam 31:11-13; 11:1-11;2 Chron 10: 11,12 COURAGE The Philistines after winning the battle took the dead bodies of Saul and his three children and hung them in the shrine of their idol. ( oh! the wages of sin). But some courageous Israelite from Jabesh-gilead went and removed the bodies of Saul and his children from the house of the idols. This was a token of their gratitude to Saul who had prior delivered them from the hands of the Philistines
LESSON Always stand firm and be willing to risk your life to defend God’s glory, honour and word. When ungodly people are making jest of Gods word, do not join them Remain steadfast to the truth and God will honour and promote you.
ETERNAL DEATH FOR UNREPENTANT SINNERS CONFESSION 1 chron 10:13,14; Prov 11:19,29; Rev 20:11-15 Death is a certainty for all, thereafter judgement Death is the beginning of sorrow for all who die in sin Physical death of a sinner is the beginning of eternal suffering for the wicked and unrepentant Ask God for forgiveness right now
CONT’D Give up all your sins Live Holy every day Believers must examine themselves daily Live in total obedience to the word of God Be holy in words, thoughts and actions Expect the coming of the Lord everyday Only the faithful will be raptured ARE YOU READY?
QUESTIONS Identify two reasons for Saul's rejection and tragic death? How many of his sons died with him? What happened to the dead bodies of Saul and his sons? What did the men of Jabesh-gilead do to honour God and remove shame from Israel? Where will unrepentant sinners and backsliders end their journey? What should (a) sinners (b) believers do to avoid eternal death?
LESSON: Obedience to God’s word leads to eternal life while disobedience leads to eternal death THOUGHT: I will seek God with all my heart and obey His commandments so as to have eternal life HOME WORK: Children should write four things they must do daily to help them continually obey the word of God ACTIVITY: Children should mention two people in the old testament and two people in the new testament whose lives were preserved and prolonged because they were obedient to the word of God
CHORUSES Eternal life Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Obedience is the very best way to show that we believe What shall it profit a man if he gains this whole world and lose his own soul What shall it profit a man if he gains this whole world and suffer in hell Will be you be ready when the Lord shall come
REFERENCES PWpPEC- rHjwTr86hw&q=king+saul+and+his+three+childrens+death&oq=king+saul+and+hi s+three+childrens+death&gs_l= GZKMWIjwPRoYrYDw&q=repentant+child&oq=repentant+child&gs_l=psy-ab.3... bkjwO1rbOQCg&q=a+child+confessing+his+sin&oq=a+child+confessing+his+sin& gs_l=psy-a