Cultural Conversations with Brazilian and Dominican Transnationals: Implications for Health and Wellbeing Cristina Brinkerhoff,MA1,2, C. Eduardo Siqueira,ScD, MD2, Rosalyn Negrón,PhD2, Amanda J Reich,PhD, MPH3, Linda Sprague Martinez,PhD1 1Boston University, 2University of Massachusetts Boston, 3Tufts University Introduction Methodology Key Themes Transnationalism, Networks, and Culture: Implications for Health and Behavior (Aqui Lá), is a community-engaged planning grant that explores the meaning of culture at the individual, network and community levels. We seek to To establish an interdisciplinary planning committee of researchers as well as stakeholders from the Brazilian and Dominican communities. To engage the planning committee in critical dialogues exploring conceptualizations of culture at the individual, network and community levels and its relationship to migration, transnationalism as well as health beliefs and practices. Based on the findings of aim #2, we will a) design and pilot test a multi-level participatory approach to examining the relationship between culture and health beliefs and practices b) conduct both a process and outcome evaluation of the approach and planning process, and c) disseminate findings and develop a full scale trial. As part of the overall planning process we conducted cultural conversations (CC), a focus groups variation, whereby members of the target population guide the group in unstructured conversations or charlas. We employed a community engaged interdisciplinary research approach. Key research partners are Boston University, Tufts University, University of Massachusetts Boston, Dominican Development Center (DDC) and Brazilian Immigrant Center (BIC). Cultural Conversations (CC): CC is a variation of the traditional focus group. The main characteristics of a CC are: participatory, unstructured, participant facilitation (groups are facilitated by representatives from or embedded in the target population). CCs were primarily conducted in Portuguese or Spanish, the native languages of most of the participants.. Sample and Sampling: Convenience 5 CCs with Brazilians (n=48) 5 CCs with Dominicans (n=42) Recruitment: Calls Partner networks Religious and community events ESL classes Barber shops Word of mouth Research Partners Preliminary Results Summary The CCs are a novel approach that allowed for a rich conversation regarding culture, transnationalism and health. The less rigid forum enabled facilitators to guide the conversations as topics arose. This was important for exploration of complex issues such as culture change, transnational practices and racial and ethnic identity. The data will inform development of a measurement tool to be designed in Year 2 of the project.