FM Report Parameter Standardization Focus on Reports To print: Right click Choose “Print” Change option “Print What?” from “slides” to “note pages” Click ok The focus of this session is the FUSS standardization of FM report parameters effective March 17, 2008. March 17, 2008 FM Report Parameter Standardization
Starting March 17, 2008 FM report parameters will be expanded Parameters provide additional options New selection options added “Hidden” parameters are made visible Parameters presented in consistent order May reduce the need to make/maintain customizations All existing custom reports will continue to work with no change required. Starting March 17, 2008, as part of a FUSS initiative, all FM reports have expanded parameter options available at run time. Many of the ‘hidden’ parameters, such as project or award number, are now visible. Parameters are presented in a consistent manner in all FM reports. FUSS is hopeful that with the addition of the new options you may find you no longer need to make/maintain previous report customizations. Please note: if you are running a user modified version of the standard FM reports, you are not required to redo those changes, your reports will continue to work with no changes required.
Features Expanded Selection Options Individual Project or Award MBU Dept miscellaneous others based on report Enter the parameters you want to use Use wild card character, “%”, in those you don’t want to use “Default to prior period” option for scheduled reports. The expanded selection options include the ability to choose a single project or award,orto select multiple organizations via an MBU or Dept option, as well as miscellaneous other parameters depending on the report. You simply enter the parameter you wish to use and enter the wild card character in those you don’t wish to use. A “Default to prior period” option was added to reports contained a period parameter to allow you to schedule reports to run on a recurring cycle (i.e.; at the beginning of the month) without having to change the period parameter.
Please note, there are now multiple parameter pages, so be sure to click the NEXT button, located on the bottom left, to page through the various options. If an FM report contains a period or date parameter, it will be the first one in the list, followed a project or award carrying out org. Following the org option are options for either an individual project or award, depending on the report. As a rule of thumb, an individual project number parameter is offered on reports with a Project Carrying Out Org parameter and an individual award number parameter is offered on reports with an Award Carrying Out Org parameter.
After the individual project/award number parameter options are the MBU and Dept parameter options. These represent a grouping of organizations. Run the IS.BU_Budget Exec and MBU Hierarchy report to view organizations in these groups. Following the MBU and Dept parameter options are any specific parameters to a single report, such as the “Show Labor Encumbrance? Y/N” option on the FM_Expenditure Detail by Project report as shown in this example.
The “Default to prior period The “Default to prior period? Y/N” option is the last option for reports that contain a period parameter. When set to yes, this option overrides any period entered in the first parameter and automatically defaults to the prior period. This parameter is especially useful for required month-end review and reconciliation reports. By setting this option to “Y” you can now schedule reports to run on a recurring cycle for example: scheduled to run the 1st of every month sometime between 4 and 7am to have the results ready for you when you come in the morning. If you do not have scheduling privileges in the ODS (File, Manage Workbooks, Scheduling Manager is grayed out), you can email: to request scheduling privileges. email: for scheduling privileges.
are mutually exclusive. NOTE: Use of Wild Card The ability to select multiple values, and the wild card character, “%”, are mutually exclusive. The way we’ve made the new parameters optional is by using the wild card character. It is not possible to set up a parameter to allow the use of the wild card and allow multiple values to be selected. If you were used to selecting multiple orgs, check out the MBU or Dept options to see if those groupings of orgs will work for you instead. Run the IS.BU_Budget Exec and MBU Hierarchy report to view organizations in these groups. Select Multiple Wild Card Character
Note: Default to prior period Cannot select multiple periods when the default to prior period is included in the report parameters. Multi-Period Expense Only New tab added to FM_Expenditure Detail by Project and Award: Select/enter one or more periods Shows only expenses – no commitments Also, note that reports that contain the “Default to Prior Period” parameter will not allow you to select multiple accounting periods. Anticipating this may cause issues for users who are accustomed to running the Expenditure Detail By Project/Award reports for multiple periods, FUSS devised a new tab on the Expenditure Detail reports called “Multi-Period Expense Only”. This tab will allow you to select one or more periods and drops the commitment column so only expenses are shown.
New Page Items MBU Dept Added on the right. Drag to the left to use as page item. When MBU and Dept parameters were added to a report, they were also added to the page item bar to the far right so as not to radically change the appearance of reports you’ve been accustomed to using. To use as page items, you will need to click on the left edge of the MBU and Dept page items and drag them to the far left on the page item bar.
No Parameter changes made to the following reports: FM_Labor Suspense Project Status FM_PI… reports (all) FM_SP…reports (all) FM_Usages and Unbalanced Usages reports Some reports either didn’t require changes, or adding the new options would have been detrimental to the intended function of the reports. The reports listed above did not change.
No MBU or Dept option included on these reports FM_Active and Inactive Award-Project-Task Combinations FM_OTPS Suspense Report Balance FM_Award BBA by Award Manager The MBU and Dept option are not included in the following reports: FM_Active and Inactive Award-Project-Task Combinations FM_OTPS Suspense Report Balance FM_Award BBA by Award Manager Note: Entering a value in the Organization parameter on the FM_Active and Inactive Award-Project-Task Combinations report will return Project and Award combinations where either the award or the project is owned by the specified organization.
Scheduled Reports Reminder – after March 17, 2008 When you schedule a report it stores a copy of the report in the scheduler. You must delete any current scheduled reports and reschedule after March 17 to pick up the new report changes. Reminder, when you schedule reports it stores a copy of the report in the scheduler. If you want to schedule one of the reports with the new options, you will need to delete any current version of the FM reports you have scheduled and reschedule the new version. Wait to reschedule until after the new reports are published on March 17, 2008. Again, if you do not have scheduling privileges in the ODS (File, Manage Workbooks, Scheduling Manager is grayed out), you can email: to request scheduling privileges.