Edinburgh Economy Strategy Draft outline November 2017 To use this title animation slide with a new image simply 1) move the top semi-transparent shape to the side, 2) delete placeholder image, 3) click on the picture icon to add a new picture, 4) Move semi-transparent shape back to original position, 5) Update text on slide.
Process so far June - August Scoping and internal engagement September – October Elected member, Business and Strategic Partner engagement November-December First stage drafting and feedback January - March Approvals, Endorsement, and Implementation planning
Inclusive Growth Challenge But… 21% of children live in poverty Edinburgh’s economy is: 16% of households are workless Good at creating jobs High (ish) unemployment rates among women and young people Good at attracting investment 16% earn below the Living Wage (LWF definition) Good at creating businesses Populations with barriers to participation Good at creating new opportunities Significant skills shortages in key sectors
A fair economy and a thriving city EDINBURGH ECONOMY STRATEGY One vision for our economy Three outcomes to aim for and Actions to deliver DRAFT Outcome 1: People Outcome 2: Places Outcome 3: Businesses We need action to: Address the cost of living Support progression into work and learning Create pathways for career and pay progression Create a resilient and adaptable workforce Understand and address skills gaps for key sectors We need action to: Invest in quality places for people and business Deliver workspaces to meet the changing needs of the economy Create the Data Capital of Europe Invest in affordable, good quality housing Invest in transport, cultural and sporting infrastructure We need action to: Make it easy to do business in Edinburgh Build scalable businesses Support Data Driven Innovation and Inclusion Champion Edinburgh on the International stage Maximise the benefits of public procurement Foster an inclusive enterprise culture
Making it Happen Scotland and UK wide collaboration City Partnerships Setting out roles and partnerships: City of Edinburgh Council Private sector / Third Sector / Existing Networks Edinburgh Partnerships City Region collaboration Links to and relationships with: City Deal region wide governance structures and partnerships Spatial planning regional partnerships Scotland and UK wide collaboration Links to and relationships with: Scottish Government departments and agencies Other Scottish Cities Other UK and European city networks
Contact details Chris Adams Strategy and Insight Chris.adams@Edinburgh.gov.uk 0131 529 6258