Your Senior Year Schedule Making Informed Choices Preparing for Life After High School
Schedule your courses on HAC. Paper form is a worksheet Enter courses online via HAC (OPEN NOW!)
Scheduling Expectations & Deadlines Important Dates to keep in mind: Nov. 30th & Dec. 1 Scheduling Presentations (Welcome!) Dec. 22 Coursework Sheets due to Counseling Office Dec. 22 Scheduling Deadline for HAC 12-22 All applications due February-March counselors will meet with students to finalize schedules
Your goal after High School 4 year college 3.0 or above Good SAT or ACT scores Core 40 or Honors Diploma 2 year college Technical College Apprenticeship Military
Special Programs for Seniors Professional Business Career Exp (formally Co- op)-Mrs. Hank Professional Career Internship-Mrs. O’Grady Elkhart Area Career Center – Mrs. Leister Building Trades-Mr. Crooks Penn Accelerated & Technical Education College (CTE) Program-Mrs. Ball
Business Related Work Exp. For those students interested in working in a (Formally Co-op) Usually a paid position 15- 20 hours per week on the job You must have a job before school begins in the fall 3rd and 4th blocks every day See Mrs. Hank Course number: 225 &227 (Gold)
Professional Career Internship Can be a job shadowing opportunity Or, can be a paid position that’s not in an office setting. Only up to 3 blocks, 75 hour per block per semester You are responsible for placement For those interested in getting experience in a particular career Not for those interested in teaching Course Number: 680 (B & G 4th) See Mrs. O’Grady
Elkhart Area Career Center 29 different courses Audio/Video Production 1 & 2 EMT: Emergency Medical Technician Automation & Robotics 1 & 2 Firefighting Automotive Collision Repair Floral design & Event Planning 1 & 2 Automotive Refinishing Graphic Design 1 & 2 Automotive Service Technology 1 & 2 Intro to Health Careers CAD: Computer Aided Drafting & Design 1 & 2 Law Enforcement CNA Preparation Machine Shop 1 & 2 Commercial Photography 1 & 2 Medical Assisting 1 & 2 Computer Networking/PC Maintenance 1& 2 Motorcycle/Outdoor Power Technology 1 & 2 Construction Trades 1 & 2 Veterinary Careers 1 & 2 Cosmetology 1 & 2 Welding 1 & 2 Creative Landscaping 1 & 2 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Culinary Arts 1 & 2 Dental Health Careers Diesel Service Technology 1 & 2 Early Childhood Education 1 & 2 Early College : Health Care Specialist 1 & 2 1st year –Junior only, currently enrolled
Elkhart Area Career Center Application due December 22, 2017 Must attend the Open House January 21st 1:30 – 3:30pm $5000 Tuition is paid for by Penn High School You will need to buy some supplies, uniforms, tools 1st and 2nd OR 3rd and 4th block every day Bus transportation available (*with the exception of Cosmetology) once school begins in the fall. Students will need to find own transportation until PHM is in session Full-year commitment Students returning for 2nd year must earn at least a C- Fill-out the enrollment form to indicate program choice Last day for students June 6th at EACC June 5th is PHM last day
Building Trades 1st and 2nd block every day Application due December 22nd to Technology Office Must provide your own transportation to the building site. See Mr. Crooks
Penn Accelerated College Program (CTE) Begin college coursework before you graduate You earn college credit and high school credit Tuition is paid by the State of Indiana You must provide your own transportation Classes may be held in the morning, afternoon or evening. To take a course at a college you must qualify for admittance as well as Penn’s criteria (see Program of Studies) Includes Cosmetology at Michiana Beauty Pharmacy Technician Training ( Seniors only) 10 week program See Mrs. Ball
Early Graduation For those who want to be finished by the end of first semester. On your schedule, cross out all of second semester with a big X.
Dismiss Study Hall Study hall (Outside of school) In place of study hall 1st or 4th block 2.5+ GPA Must have parking permit Disciplinary Record in good standing Counseling Office will have permission forms
First Step Do the Worksheet (paper form)
Graduation Requirements & Options English 12: AP, ACP, Ivy Tech Government: AP, ACP Economics: AP (full year)
Course Menu
Build your own schedule PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 or (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 3 4 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 5 Elective 6 7 8 Study Hall/Internship
If you choose Professional Business Career Exp (Co-op) PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 or (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 3 4 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 5 PBCE 6 7 8
If you choose Career Center PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 or (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 3 4 5 Elkhart Career Center 6 7 8
If you choose Building Trades PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 3 4 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 5 BT 6 7 8
If you choose Professional Career Internship PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 or (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 3 PCI? Intern. Study hall 4 PCI ? 5 7 8
If you choose the Penn Accelerated College Program PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 3 Penn Accelerated CP? 4 Intern Dismissed Study Hall (If needed) (Ask instructor)
Fill in the other blanks PD Semester 1 Course # Semester 2 Course # 1 English 12 (Ivy Tech/ACP/AP) 2 Math 3 Science 4 Gov or Econ (AP) Econ or Gov (AP) 5 Elective 6 7 8 Study Hall
Do you have the Honors Diploma Requirements? You must have one of these: 2 AP courses(4 credits) 6 College Credits 1 AP class(2 credits) + 3 College Credits 8 High School Math Credits 6-8 Foreign Language Credits 2 Fine Arts Credits 3.0 Cumulative GPA No grades less than a C-
What is AP? What is ACP? AP ACP- IU’s Dual Credit Program Created by College Board Test at the end may get you some college credits. Score of a 3 or higher Fee for some classes to take the end of year test ACP- IU’s Dual Credit Program Run by Indiana University 3 credits for each class if tuition is paid Fee of $25 per credit hour or so for tuition paid to IU
Do you need English ? English 12 Ivy Tech English 111/112 Course focuses non-fiction text and writing Must meet requirements for dual credit. AP English Literature – Summer reading mandatory - Literature is for the student who loves to read poetry, plays and literary fiction even if she loves STEM classes more. It is for the student who may never have the opportunity to take a literature course again because his undergraduate years include a long haul of Organic Chemistry. It is for the student who relishes making connections and discoveries. ACP Composition & Literature College Level, 1 semester of Reading & 1 semester of Writing , college credit earned if C or better Level changes will be prohibited past the deadline
Do you need Math credits? Core 40-- need Algebra I 1 & 2, Algebra II 1 & 2 Geometry 1 & 2, Honors—Math must be above & After Algebra 2; all grades above C- Colleges like to see a senior math class Can’t decide what to take? Ask your math teacher for a recommendation
Do you need a Science class? Core 40 requires 6 science credits Honors requires 6 science credits Biology & ICP or Chemistry is required for Core 40 & above diplomas! Need a 3rd year of Science (lab) Ex: Adv. Environmental science, Anatomy, etc. IE: Search for options in Science section of course menu
Do you need World Language credits ? Most colleges require two years More selective colleges require three or four years Not required for Core 40 but strongly encouraged!!!! Academic honors requires of 3 years of same language OR 4 credits each in two languages (not online)
I need an application? Yearbook Newspaper Peer Leader EACC Adv. Child Development Business Work Experience Building Trades Robotics Student Assistant Student Intern Freshmen Mentoring ACP, Dual Credit classes through Mrs. Ball
When are the applications due? All Penn Applications are due December 22nd EACC due 12/22 ACP Applications CHECK YOUR EMAIL! ACP, IU, and Mr. Westra will send reminders and invites on PHM mail
Don’t leave those Alternate lines blank!! Alternate Courses When electives you have chosen are full we will use one of your alternates You choose, or we choose for you!!! Don’t leave those Alternate lines blank!!
What’s Next?! Take the time to read through the course descriptions in the program of study: org/files/2017.18%20Final%20POS.pdf Complete paper worksheet and turn into Counseling Office by December 22nd Schedule your classes in HAC (by 12/22); open now Fill out & turn in all applications (by 12/22)
MEET THOSE DEADLINES! Counselors will proof schedules and meet with student individual beginning in February Students who do not adhere to the 12/22/2017 deadline will not have priority over elective changes.
Questions????????? Have a wonderful week!