Hora de Conferencia con Padres/Conference Time Week of Sept 19, 2016 First Nine Wks Weeks Issue # 8 Mrs. Castellano's Class Library Book Weekly Objectives Please continue to read library books everyday. Please bring your book to school every day. Language Arts – Fiction & Non fiction, characters, setting, plot, Problem and solution, Parts of a book-glossary, table of contents, past tense endings, declarative and interrogative sentences, prepositions, plural nouns, author’s purpose. Math – Add/subtraction with regrouping. Science – Forces in motion-Energy. Social Studies – Freedom Week. Monday–Write each word 3 times each. Read Fluency folder List 7, week 7, and Adv of 3 Ballons . No math. Tuesday–1. Write the spelling words in ABC order.2. Write a sentence for spelling words (1-5).3. Math sheet.4. Fluency folder. 5.Read Library book and sign folder. Wednesday–1. Write a sentence for spelling words (6-10).2. Write a sentence for all vocabulary words.3. Math sheet 4.Fluency folder 5. Read Library Book and sign folder. Thursday–1. Practice spelling word test. Practice using your vocabulary words with your family members.2. Math sheet.3. Fluency folder. Read Library book. Friday-Read for (20) twenty minutes each day using your library book everyday. Sign your folder. Read on the weekends. TESTI.NG ALL DAY. No absences, please. Thank you for taking your children to the doctor after 10:00am. Spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension tests. Parents, please sign the tests I send home on Fridays and return to me. If you did not get them, send me a note. Homework Spelling Words Pattern: Long a (ai, ay): pay, pail, snail, nail, jail, hay, stay, May, stay, play Vocabulary Words Story: Babu’s Song Exclaimed: Shouted or said something excited. Concern: To care or worry about something. Vendors: People who sell things or food. Figure: A drawing or model of something. Collection: A group of things you like to save or collect like rocks, marbles, cards. Hora de Conferencia con Padres/Conference Time Mi hora de conferencia es de 12:55pm a 1:20pm. Para mejor servirles, por favor escriban una nota en la agenda si gustan cita. No es possible tener junta antes o despues de escuela. Gracias por llamarme por telefono solamente durante este horario. Llamadas antes o despues de este horario no seran posible. Gracias. My conference time is at 12:55pm to 1:20pm. To better serve you, please write me a note in the agenda to give you an appointment. I am unable to meet before or after school. Phone calls are transferred only during these hours. Thank you. IMPORTANT NOTICE ***WE NEED YOUR HELP: PLEASE SEND HEADPHONES WITH YOUR CHILD TO USE IN THE COMPUTER LAB. They don’t have to be new. THANK YOU. Necesitamos su ayuda. Por favor mandar audifonos para sus ninos. Gracias. No tienen que ser nuevos. NO more morning istation tutoring until October. Intercession tutoring coming up in October. I will send more information. Thank you for all your support with the VIP cards and helping to support our school. Also, because many of you turned in the cafeteria applications, we might be allowed to wear free dress next week. Once approved, I will send you information about all this.