Wireless information conveying system for individual classroom Guide name: Student’s Name: Ms.P. Ahalya,M.E., M. Peer Mohamed (921711107314) Asst.professor /EIE S. Syed Mohamed Abdullah (921711107320) S.U. Syed Abdul Malik (921711107083)
Objective Our aim is to provide information regarding circular details for individual class rooms in the department using both PIC 16F577A microcontroller and ATMEL Controller.
Literature review [1] Swiatkowski, M.; Wozniak, K.; Olczyk, L., "Student Notice Board Based on LED Matrix System Controlled over TCP/IP Protocol," Photonics and Microsystems, 2006 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop, vol., no., pp.59,60, June 30 2006-July 2 2006 [2] Rohan Mishra, Sambit Kumar Das, “GSM BASED DISPLAY LCD TOOLKIT” Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela 2007.
Block diagram-TRANSMITTER
Methodology The methodology of the project is that all the electronic components are hardware assembled. Then the keyboard controlled microcontroller, wireless transmitter and receiver and all parts are assembled and wiring connections are made.
RESULT The result is successfully achieved….
CONCLUSION The information regarding circular details for individual class rooms in the department using both PIC 16F577A microcontroller and ATMEL Controller has been successfully completed and output perceived
APPLICATIONS Colleges: For displaying important messages. Placement news, cultural activities news. Hotels: To display the availability of the rooms and the room rents, the type of rooms. Restaurants: To display the menu and offers etc. Railway Station: To display the scheduling time of the train and the platform, the services offered by the railways.
FUTURE WORK The keyboard input as given is replaced using a voice input in the future. In case the user is far away from the real time input keyboard, a GSM module can be used to transmit messages from the remote location. Various security measures can be used so as to protect any valuable information that is inside the memory device of the unit.
REFERENCE [1] Swiatkowski, M.; Wozniak, K.; Olczyk, L., "Student Notice Board Based on LED Matrix System Controlled over TCP/IP Protocol," Photonics and Microsystems, 2006 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop, vol., no., pp.59,60, June 30 2006-July 2 2006 [2] Rohan Mishra, Sambit Kumar Das, “GSM BASED DISPLAY LCD TOOLKIT” Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela 2007. [3] Darshankumar C. Dalwadi, Ninad Trivedi, Amit Kasundra, “WIRELESS NOTICE BOARD Our Real-Time Solution” National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, May13-14, 2011.