Lesson Starter Write a sentence describing temperature and enzymes including the following words: Enzyme activity low temperature high temperature reaction denature
Learning Outcomes In today’s lesson you will be trying past paper questions. By the end of this lesson you should aim to: Assess your learning of enzymes Familiarise yourself with exam format through past paper questions Work cooperatively in a group
In groups of 4 you will complete a circus of past paper questions, starting with multiple choice. You should not move on to the next set of questions until everyone in your trio understands the question. 15 minutes for 20 questions!
1. 4. __________________ 2. _________ 3. __________________ ______
5. ______
6. 7. __ __
8 9. __ 10 __ __ 11 __
12. 13. __ 14 __ __
15. __ 16. __
17. __
18. 19. __ __
20. __
Now try longer answer questions! You should not move on to the next set of questions until everyone in your trio understands the question. Rest of the lesson
1. Z X Y 3 ____ Its shape is permanently changed.
2. Its active site will only allow one enzyme to join to it. It is shaped like a lock and the substrate fits into this like a key. It becomes denatured. pH oxygen hydrogen
3. As pH increases from 4 to 8 trypsin activity increases as is shown by the increase in the clear jelly (from 2 to 10mm) as pH further increases to 12 trypsin activity decreases (7mm of clear jelly). 2mm
4. 9 pH of hydrogen peroxide solution to make it more reliable
5. oxygen Temperature and concentration of the hydrogen peroxide solution. water Use boiled liver in which the enzyme has been denatured. Measure the volume of oxygen produced/ height of foam if you added washing up liquid too.
Lesson Recap Enzyme hangman
Torrance Standard Grade Biology. Answer Qs 1 and 2 on p235 in full sentences. Ten minutes