The Thirst for Land
Original Georgia Charter of 1732 King George II granted James Oglethorpe and the Trustees a charter in 1732 to establish the colony of Georgia. This charter provided that the new colony would consist of all the land between the headwaters of the Savannah and the Altamaha rivers, with its eastern boundary formed by the Atlantic Ocean and its western boundary by the "south seas," a reference to the Pacific Ocean.
After French and Indian War Georgia's original boundary remained the same from the founding of the colony until 1763. The French and Indian War ended in a major territorial victory for the British. England, France, and Spain signed the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Georgia took on a new shape as a result of that treaty: Maintained the land between the headwaters of the Savannah and the Altamaha rivers, but its western boundary became the Mississippi River rather than the Pacific Ocean.
After the American Revolution After the American Revolution, Georgia gained access to a large amount of land from the Native Americans who sided with the British. The 1783 Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War and expanded Georgia’s boarders to the Mississippi River and beyond the headwaters of the two rivers.
Who Should Get the Land?? Revolutionary veterans believed that all citizens had right to land ownership. Leaders agreed, but what was the right way to allocate the land? Group Activity: Your group has been selected as land delegates for the state of Georgia. The state has just acquired thousands of acres of new territory. Your job will be to decide how this land will be distributed to the citizens. Is everyone deserving of land? How will it be divided? You will be given TEN minutes to brainstorm a method to disseminate the land.
Headright System (until 1803) Under this system, Georgia gave thousands of acres of land to soldiers who fought during the Revolutionary War (including Austin Dabney) Men who did not fight also received free land. The Details: Heads of households, white men 21 and up, could receive up to 200 acres of land Men who had families or slaves would receive an additional 50 acres per family member (slaves included) with a limit of 1,000 acres causing a massive migration to Georgia. The problem: too many people claiming, but not enough land to offer.
Amount of land or Territory Headright System Description Who received the land Amount of land or Territory Problems/Results Headright System Was used until 1803 -Soldiers who fought during the Revolutionary War -Heads of household- white men 21 and up -could receive up to 200 acres of land -Men who had families or slaves would receive an additional 50 acres per family member (slaves included) with a limit of 1,000 acres causing a massive migration to Georgia. -Too many people claiming, but not enough land to offer.
Population Growth In Georgia Due to the Headright system, Georgia experienced population growth. Review the primary document of the U.S. Census of 1790 and answer the questions.
Population Chart Headings Column One: District Column Two: Free White Males of 16 years and upwards, including heads of families Column Three: Free white Males under 16 years Column Four: Free white females, including heads of families. Column Five: All other free persons Column Six: Slaves Column Seven: Total
Questions How many states existed according to the document? 16 Where does Georgia’s population fall in comparison to the other states? Largest, smallest, or somewhere in between? Georgia is about 12 out of 16 How are the population categories broken up? Men up to 16, men less than 16, Females, Free/slaves Compare the number of slaves in the North versus the South. 49, 257 North and 645,023 slaves Compare the number of free servants in the north versus the south (4th column on the left). 30, 951 North and 28, 197 South Look at the age cut offs in the column headings. At what age was a man considered an adult? Do you feel this is an appropriate age? Why or why not? opinion
Yazoo Land Fraud (1795) The thought of gaining free land lead to corruption. After being bribed, the General Assembly of Georgia sold 35 million acres of land (most of what is present day Alabama and Mississippi) to FOUR land companies for $500,000. This was about 1 ½ cents per acre. The companies then sold the land (making huge profits) to either other speculators or to innocent civilians hoping to move to these frontier territories.
Yazoo Land Fraud of 1795
Yazoo Land Fraud When citizens found out, they were furious. Copies of the Yazoo Act were burned on the steps of the capital in Louisville. One of Georgia’s U.S. Senators, James Jackson, resigned from the Senate and vowed to personally shoot all involved in the fraud The Yazoo Act was repealed in 1796
Results of the Yazoo Many of those involved fled the state Georgia lost land and money: Ga paid 4 million in damages to cheated buyers The Yazoo territory was given to the U.S. and became the states of Alabama and Mississippi Georgia’s western boundary was moved to the Chattahoochee River (label map on front)
Yazoo Land Fraud -1795 -Gaining free land lead to corruption. -Named after the Yazoo River -After being bribed, the General Assembly of Georgia sold large amounts of land to FOUR land companies for $500,000. (about 1 ½ cents per acre) -Citizens who could afford to purchase the land from the land companies --Land that is today Alabama and Mississippi -Ga paid 4 million in damages to cheated buyers -The Yazoo territory was given to the U.S. and became the states of Alabama and Mississippi -Georgia’s western boundary was moved to the Chattahoochee River
Without the Yazoo territory, Georgia could no longer give away as much free land as it had under the Headright System.
Land Lottery 1805 - 1833 Eight land lotteries were held These lotteries gave the average Georgian the opportunity to gain land for pennies on the dollar Land won in the lottery varied in size from 500 to 50 acres (much smaller than the 1000 acres in the Headright System) Who was allowed to participate: All free white men living in Georgia for one year were given one chance.
How did it work? To take part, a person would simply submit their names to the state and buy a ticket. On the day of the lottery, the participants’ names were placed in one drum while the lots bearing a number would be placed in the second drum. Depending on circumstance, your name could be placed in the drum more than once (age, marital status, widows and veterans) This system brought the state into conflict with the Creek and Cherokee Indians
Land Lottery -1805 - 1833 -Eight land lotteries were held -These lotteries gave the average Georgian the opportunity to gain land for pennies on the dollar -Participants’ names were placed in one drum while the lots bearing a number would be placed in the second drum. -All free white men living in Georgia for one year were given one chance. -Depending on circumstance, your name could be placed in the drum more than once (age, marital status, widows and veterans) -Land won in the lottery varied in size from 500 to 50 acres -This system brought the state into conflict with the Creek and Cherokee Indians
Land Lottery Simulation You will be allowed to enter your name if you meet one of the following criteria: If you are a male who plays a sport, enter your name first Females who have two or more siblings Males who are 13 or older with brown hair. What does each descriptor represent from the original Land Lottery? What did the different types of candy represent? Peppermint Other Candy
Discussion Question Did you feel this was a fair way to distribute candy (land)? Why or why not? What descriptors were out of your control? Do you feel that any of the citizens had a right to land over others? If so, who?
Louisiana Purchase Thomas Jefferson, the nation’s third president, bought Louisiana from France for $15 million. This doubled the size of the country.