On the ship to the leadership


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Presentation transcript:

On the ship to the leadership 1 V 2017 – 28 II 2018

Let’s talk about the title… „on the ship” – what does it mean??

This one?! This one?!

Or this one?!

Leadership Ability to lead a group of people (business dictionary)

„On the ship to the leadership” Key action 1 : Youth exchange European Voluntary Service Training and networking for youth workers „On the ship to the leadership”

To provide participants with tools to develop their leadership skills in order to motivate them to become active citizens. To develop leadership skills such as: intercultural communication and public speaking, team building, facilitation, conflict management. To enable and motivate participants to share their knowledge, information and experience in order to act as multipliers on civil society field. To promote Erasmus + and other European programs as a tool for inclusion and empowerment of youth from different areas. Objectives:

Informal group of students from Szeged Partners

Advanced Planning Visit Youth Exchange What does it look like?

Advanced Planning Visit 22nd - 24 th of June 2017 Advanced Planning Visit 7 x

Advanced Planning Visit Presentation of NGOs Discovery of the hosting place Workshop about being a good leader Preparation to the exchange (travel details, cultural preparation, evaluation methods, promotional materials) Promotion and dissemination of results Evaluation Advanced Planning Visit

Youth Exchange Where? When?? Who? From 26th of July untill 3rd of August 2017 Youth Exchange Who? 30 representatives of NGOs

Youth Exchange Introduction Energizers / team building activities Workshops Meeting with the mayor Cultural nights Evaluation Erasmus+ Programme / Youthpass Planning the future New knowledge / new skills / new experience Youth Exchange

Photo exhibition + promotion sessions

Promotion Blog Social media echoczerska.pl Local media Photo exhibition Meeting with the mayor Visits to institutions- 2 promotion sessions (schools etc.) Report (also on the DVD) Promotion

Contact: E-mail: ilikeczersk@gmail Contact: E-mail: ilikeczersk@gmail.com Tel: +48 601 567 700 http://echoczerska.pl