All about me........... Full Name: Known as: DOB: Date starting Ollie’s: First Language: Home Language: Allergies: Favourite foods: Dislikes: I am still learning but right now, this is how I write my name: (independently) And this is how I draw myself: (independently)
Words I like to use: I Use: It means: I live with: (including pets) My family includes: (please also state any other names they call family members) My family and I celebrate: (religious/ cultural/ traditions) I am interested in: I need support with:
I am good at: My favourite stories are: My favourite activity is: My favourite toy/ character is/are: I get upset when: I am comforted by: Things that worry me about starting Ollie’s are: Things that worry my family about me starting at Ollie’s are: I enjoy / do not like being outdoors (please delete) When I am outside I like to: Any Additional Information that my keyworker may need: Please provide some family photos for your child’s keyperson when they start.
Please record your observations of your child’s development
Setting name: Key-persons name: Key-persons contact details: A tablet/ computer/ remote control toys Do you have any concerns over any particular area of your child’s development or any areas that you feel need support? Are there any professional bodies already involved with your child relating to their development? My child attends another setting / minder alongside Ollie’s Yes / No (please delete) Setting name: Key-persons name: Key-persons contact details: Signed permission by parent for Ollie’s to contact the key-person at the other setting to share developmental information and invite to visit our setting/ us to theirs: Signed: Name is full: I understand that my child’s key-person will observe my child alongside this document to produce their 2/3 year development check to form their starting points within Ollie’s. I also understand that they may need to share this information with other professionals and I give permission for this. Signed Name: Date: For further information or support with filling this section in please visit the following site or collect a loanable copy from the Ollie’s entrance to guide you with ‘what to expect, when’ from your child.